Qu3stionable3 years ago

Personally i am really split. While i like to pause to collect myself because with a game thats so rng based it can get a lot when you see something thats so good and can make you very sort of exited and nervous I feel like runners should be able to pause to control that. However i absolutely think we shouldn't be able to pause to make decisions. Decision making is counting towards your run in a big way. I honestly don't know what moderators should do. Having said that i think the mods need to make a decision soon otherwise there will be a big split and it might get a bit messy. Brentilda has every right to do do what he did because it is not breaking the rules.

Qu3stionable3 years ago

Recently people have discovered the power of Shift + F3. This brings up a pie chart that displays special blocks in the rendered chunks. For example, if your in a plains or desert village and press Shift + F3 you can see a furnace on the debug screen underneath the pie chart you know that there is a blacksmith in that village. With a little more complexity, you can also do it for portal rooms. If you know you are in the near area (which you can know using triangulation) you can use this to find spawners and know where the portal room is. Especially after E - Ray was discovered the advantage of using F3 is so big that personally i think they should be seperated as two categories.

abraaaa aiment ceci
Qu3stionable3 years ago

I use sodium and i'm assuming that the creator just changed the name or something because i am confident that previously the runs said Jelly Squid who is the creator of Sodium, lithium and the other one i can't remember

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3 years ago
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