SwitzerlandPsychoHypnotic6 years ago

I added a new guide for people that struggle with the peek clip. You can still do it fast even if you missed the run at the door peek clip.

darkstar12 et runewinter aime ceci
SwitzerlandPsychoHypnotic9 years ago

and thats totally fine :) I think everyone here knows whats fair and whats not. Never doubted it.

I think we state here and now that the leaderboard times for survivor mode without video evidence are hereby nullified :D

Ruuj aiment ceci
SwitzerlandPsychoHypnotic9 years ago

@Infomastr I am fully with you...if you can reproduce it intrarun it's 100% valid for me :)

SwitzerlandPsychoHypnotic9 years ago

I am not accusing anyone twitchy, I know you don't do this purposefully :)... just wanted to point it out for new runners. I know there were some differences but honestly I don't think it is worth getting upset :) it is just a game we don't win anything here, we do it for fun, at least that's why I am doing it :)

And speedrunwise I don't really care for the ingame leaderboards in the survivor modes. A speedrun is only valid with video evidence and has to be validated by the community (that's the main rule for every game I guess). So the only valid speedruns are submitted to this website if you really want to compare times, everything else is just a number in the wild :)

Nobody is questioning what you did for the game... I love your yolo strats ;)

I hope you guys can settle your differences and we can continue to make love not war :D

As for survival speedruns I would suggest that we record every run and submit it to this site even if it is a basement run.


Metzix, Ruuj, et dcruze aime ceci
SwitzerlandPsychoHypnotic9 years ago

Hi guys

This is long overdue but due to the fact that we have more and more runners I've changed all the rules of all categories and added this line here:

"Game corruption, random memory leaks by keeping the game open for too long and other non-reproducible glitches are not allowed."

I think we all agree that this has nothing to do with skill. That's exactly why I stopped with the dialogue glitches in the campaign :) This basically means a glitch has to be reproducable by anyone. Manipulating the game BEFORE the run even started and stuff like that is not allowed. Manipulation DURING a run (not by a third party program of course) is allowed...That means if you can corrupt the game during the run by save and reload an stuff like that you are free to go BUT it has to be 100% consistent from a fresh load of the game otherwise the run will be rejected.

I hope that clears things up for new runners and keeps the runs clean and fun for everyone :)

you guys are all awesome and I really appreciate every run I can catch! I hope more runners will follow and are able to experience the fun of an alien isolation speedrun :)

cu all online o/

Metzix, dcruze et 2 autres aime ceci
SwitzerlandPsychoHypnotic9 years ago

sorry to hear that ruuj :(

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Alien: Isolation
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Alien: Isolation
Alien: Isolation
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