United StatesPrincess_Zelda_3 years ago

Hello! I am an active super moderator for Burrito Bison, and am asking for removal of the super moderator Ka1amari. He has not verified a run in months, and has also not responded to any message in months. In the time since he has been completely inactive, the game has gone from completely dead, to having consistent runs.

United StatesPrincess_Zelda_4 years ago

Until glitches are discovered, they are virtually identical.

United StatesPrincess_Zelda_4 years ago

I'll look into it, I don't think splits files like being compressed

United StatesPrincess_Zelda_4 years ago

For future reference, I have simplified down the timing categories so this issue shouldn't happen again.

United StatesPrincess_Zelda_4 years ago

Hi everyone! As you can probably tell, I have been added as a second Super-Moderator for this game. I decided to ask site staff for a moderator position after numerous runs went unverified for a few weeks. I have tried to contact our other mod, but unfortunately he has not responded. What I would like to know is: what changes would you like made to the leader board? What can I do to streamline and simplify your experience running the game. Let me know if there is anything I can do to make your experience better.

United StatesPrincess_Zelda_4 years ago

Hello! I would like to request to be the moderator of Burrito Bison. I frequently submit runs to Burrito Bison, and have a sort of fun competition between myself and some other users for world records in some categories, and have been making active attempts at other categories. I am also trying to be active in getting more runs in unused categories via the forums system. Unfortunately, the sole moderator, @Ka1ebReignzYT has been inactive for for just over three weeks and stopped verifying runs on July 12. He had verified a handful of runs in the previous days. I have tried to reach out to him to request moderation over two weeks ago, to which he didn't respond. The categories of this game also have no descriptions of how to complete them, and because of the nature of the game, some of the categories don't make much sense to run. In tried posting in the forums page to reach him, but he didn't respond. I have tried to contact him via social media, however neither of the listed social media features of his work. His YouTube leads nowhere and his Discord is missing the numbers on the end, making it a dead end. I have tried googling his username, but only dead social media accounts appear. I only seriously run this game, and do frequently achieve new world records in this game. I am fairly well known as I am the third place holder of the "Past third door" record, and the 2nd place holder of the any% world record.

United StatesPrincess_Zelda_4 years ago

All of the other categories seem to be runnable, but 100% doesn't make sense without context. Is it getting all upgrades and achievements and then clearing a run? I'd love to make some longer attempts at this game, but I don't know what a 100% run even is.

Edit: As moderator, I have updated the category rules to fit my best guess of what the category is.

À propos de Princess_Zelda_
4 years ago
En ligne
2 years ago
Jeux joués
Burrito Bison
Burrito Bison
Dernière run 4 years ago
Jeux suivis
Burrito Bison
Burrito Bison
Dernière visite 2 years ago
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
Dernière visite 3 years ago
Jeux modérés
Burrito Bison
Burrito Bison
Dernière action 3 years ago