fil: Sun Haven
Yea I'm aware of this problem, sorry I haven't addressed it yet. I'm not sure what to do with the categories yet since new updates might screw with timing again, I'll think of something soon.
fil: League of Explorers
You can find my decks here: some of them are really bad, needed 40 minutes for Chieftain Scarvash and 50 minutes for Lord Slitherspear. I wasn't able to find my deck for Zinaar. But I am also missing a lot of cards so it is probably possible to improve this decks.
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fil: The Site
Hello, the current moderator for the game Portalize wasn't online for a year. I tried to contact him on twitch but he doesn't respond, so I would like to be a moderator for that game.
YUMmy_Bacon5 et soupG aime ceci
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