so im abot to get a wr dont check my run on a game ur supposed to check my run.So all the mods dont check my run please.
btw my run hasnt been verified for 6 days i might get a wr dont check it pls
i mean some idiots do that.Am i wrong?
too easy i justed flyed through :) (i dont actually use cheats ya dingus im joking)
it wasnt in the view are u seriously rejecting my run because i didnt show 2 pixels of my face thats such strict ruling like 2 pixels and u wont let it slide bru thats messed up.
imm gonna add it for review again ty ethan
ok so the world record for eyes shows him skipping the elevator part but when i do it he rejects it this is a mistake because i did the exact same start at the video you dont need to start the video in the lobby because when i looked at the wr it showed him skipping the lobby elevator and he starts it at game elevator this isnt fair.
fish please stop whining about how im right and just accept that u arent alright.Ur nnot proving a point.The only point ur prooving is being a b****.
Best regards, Playboi
atleast im not that rude but @Sambai dang that was rude
me when 10yr lmao
fish stop capping yr litterally lying get out of this thread lmao.
Its been 3 days since I posted a run and its still pending.And its on doors I know there are dozens of runs to check.but3 days is the longest time i've seen where the run was not accepted.
So i was looking at wr for glitched ng and i saw that he skipped halt completely how do u do this?