
This would save a couple minutes in the first level

Rhysepooh aiment ceci

I found a way to get on top of the pipe in the hub world and also how to get an upwarp, I haven't been able to get anything with it, but it could be potentially useful:

Would running on the ps4 release of this game count under the Ps2 any% category? Just want to know

I feel like the console and ds versions of the game should be separated due to how different they are. Like maybe have a category called Console Any% then have a category called DS%, or just have all of the ds stuff in the Misc section. or just submit the ds version as it's own game.

I feel like we should remove the "Squidward Jams" Minigame from the "All Minigames" category. It wastes a lot of run time, not to mention there isn't even any time save opportunities that I know of in that minigame.

Can you add 16 star as a category, because it isn't there yet...

the DS version is the most different (and worst) version of the game, so I think it should also have it's own category. I'd suggest changing the PSP category into a "Portables" category, then just have sub categories for each system.

I guess I'll post here since a lot of users are, but anyway I'm a fellow nerd and game fanatic who's interest in speedrunning which grew from TAS runs and GDQs and the like so I've decided to make an account so I can throw my metaphorical hat into the ring of speedrunning. I mainly run games less than 10 minutes and find speedrun strats for games at the moment due to not having a way to stream to twitch, but once I do I plan on running full games like Atlantis Squarepantis DS, Skate it (wii), and obviously, Mario 64. I currently post my speedruns on my old gaming channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_g8kE-F28qH7_eS7bI57gA (Which I'll probably rename soon) so If you want to see me run games nobody knows about, that's the place to go. I guess that's the end of this, so thanks for reading!!

Main account (because my other account won't let me post in the forums for some reason): https://www.speedrun.com/user/NinjastarReviews

This will be the central hub for any new strats/glitches discovered. It will just keep this forums more streamline and easy to navigate. Anyone else can join in the search for sub 1 hour.

this game was ported to the N-Gage with the title SonicN, just wanted to inform because it wasn't listed as a console.

There is another Spongebob plug in and play Called Jellyfish dodge, and it has a different version of sponge pop, and I was wondering whether they would be counted as the same or a different category, also it has more games in it you could add to the list.

I don't blame you whatsoever for forgetting this console, but this game was also ported onto a game system called the Zeebo. (you can search it up if you'd like)

I don't know whether this is a stupid request or not, but I was wondering whether or not there can be Demo% for this game as a Misc category, (the Wii u demo and 3DS demo would have to be separate because they are different demos) or maybe as a IL run instead.

The game has a Co-op mode (at least it does on PS3), so it should be added as a category in case anyone wants to run it. (you should also add PS3 as a console option, since it's available on PSN)

I feel like the N-Gage version should be it's own separate category. Considering the version of the game is completely different from the console version, plus, what if it ends up being shorter than than the console version, and someone gets WR just because they run on N-Gage. I know literally no one runs on this console, but it's better to have this just in case that might happen.

BOZAK_115 aiment ceci

I'm not very clear on the rules for this category, all it says that's different than normal is that you can use the super blocky mode cheat, I assumed by normal SMB it meant that you have to go on the stage as intended and can't do strats like the strat on floor 3 in beginner, or the yolo jump on floor 6 beginner. If someone can clear this up, I'd appreciate it.

When you submit a IL run, they have a section of each "sublevel". Does sublevel mean the 2 unlockable versions of the stage, or the different sections of one stage. Just wanted to know before I submit one

100% should be added just so it's an option, despite this game being rarely run at all.

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