EstoniaMiloDaKat3 years ago

We'll look into it.

GlitchMedia aiment ceci
EstoniaMiloDaKat3 years ago

you don't have to be so passive-aggressive, damn

we don't want you here


EstoniaMiloDaKat3 years ago

We are more active in the discord than the forums. We discussed it over there and it turned out to not be a great idea.

EstoniaMiloDaKat4 years ago

Some runs have been submitted recently with incorrect times.

Since scenario endcards are listed as the first two decimals of a number (eg, 20.352 would become 20.35) when you wolud type in type in "77" rather than "770" when you submit the run, will just assume you mean "077".

When you have a scenario run, instead of just typing the 2 digit decimal, type a 0 after it.

EstoniaMiloDaKat4 years ago

Whether it is stipulated in the rules or not, all runs that abuse the timer / start it early are automatically disqualified. If you see any runs with this exploit or similar ones just contact a mod.

EstoniaMiloDaKat4 years ago

State your opinion on whether we should use a moving background (like we do currently,) or if we should change to a slower/static one.

EstoniaMiloDaKat4 years ago

The crest road mod is currently up on the repository!

The crest road will be put into a separate category, but still WILL be placed on the speedrunning leaderboards. UPDATE: Crest road is now up, under italy time trials.

EstoniaMiloDaKat4 years ago

Extra Information:

Currently known (submitted) runs:

MiloDaKat; 00:22.831 + 00:22.651 Kristian Kasmuller; 00:22.298 + 00:21.101 KingSnake377; 00:16.600 Axei GD; 00:15.689 (SRcom username needs to be confirmed)

Unsubmitted runs: Serazi: 00:21.994

All video links saved in discord.

we know a minimum of 7 people ran it due to this image: if anyone knows there were more than 7 runs please post here or in the discord.

Nocreep aiment ceci
EstoniaMiloDaKat4 years ago

The BeamNG discord recently is trying to bring back the long lost meme speedrun, Crest Road. We know a minimum of 7 people ran it, however we only have 4 links to runs. If anyone has links to runs that they or someone else did, please post them here.

If you want to help bring back this icon of BeamNG, feel free to join the discord:

Nocreep aiment ceci
EstoniaMiloDaKat4 years ago

mods are not allowed to be used, i assume jato is allowed if it is developer implemented.

EstoniaMiloDaKat5 years ago

trevor% maybe? it is just a shorter classic%

EstoniaMiloDaKat5 years ago

how would they be redundant?

EstoniaMiloDaKat5 years ago

does the last one count towards 100% speedruns?

EstoniaMiloDaKat5 years ago

From what i can see on the leaderboards, crest road is gone. is there any reason why this happened or am i just going insane my run is still showing up for it on my profile

EstoniaMiloDaKat5 years ago

if the mods actually care...

EstoniaMiloDaKat5 years ago

the endless category spiral, a mainstay of speedrunning

À propos de MiloDaKat
former beamng game mod (2017/19 - voluntarily left 2023)
5 years ago
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