Bavaria, GermanyLighnat0r8 years ago

[section=Overview] Hey everyone,

The game tags update just went live (finally) :) The most noticeable changes are the overhauled games page, streams page and series overviews (Example). Functionally, games can now be in multiple series, unofficial releases (previously called ROM Hacks) are handled more flexibly, and the 'moderation from above' option for games has been removed.

As usual, let me know if you have any questions/suggestions/problems regarding the update.

Please post any requests for existing games to be added to additional series and/or requests to set/change game types in this thread.

See below for a more detailed changelog:

[section=Changelog] [section=Game tags] Series: Games can now be part of multiple series at once. Series can still only be set by full mods to prevent abuse, so use this thread to request additional series for any games that needs them.

Game types: Replaces ROM Hacks. Games can have any game type set, used for different kinds of unofficial releases. Currently the following options are available: ROM Hack, modification, fangame, webgame. Let us now if there are options you're missing. Where relevant, these games types allow setting the base game of which the game is derived. They are however no longer as closely tied to the base game, and show up on the series page (if in a series) rather than a separate "ROM Hacks/Mods" page. Game types and the base game can only be set by full mods, so use this thread if you want to request changes.

Genre, Engine, Developer, Publisher: These are some tag types primarily to give users more options to filter by on the games list/series overviews. They can be added by all game mods on the edit game page. A bunch of default values have been included, but game mods can define their own (which are then added to the list of values to choose from).

[section=Games list] The games list uses a new, more powerful filter-based system. This new system can be filtered by platform, year, genre, game engine, developer, publisher, game type and name. For each filter, it is possible to choose to show every game that HAS the selected option for that filter, or to show every games that does NOT have the selected option. For filters where games can match multiple options, it's possible to choose whether to show games that have all of the selected options (AND), or games that have any of the selected options (OR). The games list can be sorted both ascending and descending by run count, player count, release date or name.

The games list can be toggled between a games list and a series list. The series list is a bit more simple and can be filtered by name and sorted by name.

[section=Series overviews] Series overviews use the same setup as the games list, and allow for the same filter and sort options. By default, all games that have a game type set will be filtered out on series overviews. Series mods can alter this behaviour by setting the 'Show unofficial games by default' option on the edit series page. The default sort and sort direction can be customized per series on the edit series page.

[section=Streams pages] The streams page makes use of the same underlying system as the new games list. By default, only streams by users with a PB in the streamed game are shown (but this is a filter that can be turned off). Other than that, the streams page can be filtered by game, by title, and by showing only followed games. The streams pages for each series and game work the same way.

The streams page no longer shows streams in games not on the site, for both technical reasons and to reduce the number of casual streams on the list. To avoid missing out on games for which the twitch name does not match the name here, games can now have a twitch name set for matching streams, separate from the name as it appears on the site.

[section=Moderation from above] The 'moderation from above' option has been removed, meaning only the users directly added to a game are mod for that game. All users who were mod through the moderation from above option have been automatically added explicitly to the list of moderators for the game. This means that being a series mod now only means taking care of the series pages itself. Series mods can still add games to the series (they'll be automatically added as a mod to the created game).

[section=API] The API has been updated to support the new features in this update. All API changes should be backwards compatible, let us know if there are any issues. For a more detailed API changelog, check the API documentation.

[section=Other changes]

  • Games that have a game type set will not be shown on the front page by default. To change this behaviour, use the 'Show runs in unofficial games' option in the 'Front page settings' section of the user settings page.
  • The search field in the navigation bar will now show results by closest match, improving find-ability especially for short names.
  • If there are more results in the search field than can be shown there, it will link directly to the games list, filtered by the search input.
  • The full forums list now uses the same logic as the smaller one when following games. It should load significantly faster.
  • Forums are now always sorted alphabetically.
  • Newly added games now default to the rules being shown by default rather than hidden by default.
  • Due to old bugs, the thread and post counts for various forums was incorrect. These counts have been corrected and should remain correct going forward.
Saradoc, Deln et 7 autres aime ceci
Bavaria, GermanyLighnat0r8 years ago
  • Requests for new series should go through the game request form even if some games already exist. Please do not request a series for existing games that you don't moderate any of. This thread is primarily for attaching games to a series that already exists.
  • Game tags generally include things like rom hack, fangame, etc. This particular set of tags can only be applied by a full mod or admin.
  • For suggestions for new game tag types for the site, please put them in the update thread We'll likely add items to the list after some additional input.

The game tags just went live (see the separate update thread here), and with it games can be in multiple series, and can have game types to replace previous rom hack functionality.

The old locked thread is here.

Imaproshaman, kdx2a et 7 autres aime ceci
Bavaria, GermanyLighnat0r9 years ago

To make organizing (lots of) categories a bit easier, the 'Use as subcategory' option has been added to variables.

By enabling the option, the values of that variable will be shown differently on the leaderboard, which should offer more flexibility in its use. Often, a variable signifies something that while its different values are not directly comparable, the values are closely related and don't really work as completely separate categories (besides, ending up with 20 categories is a great way to create a messy board). (Ab)using ILs to solve the situation is sometimes but not always possible, and usually doesn't end up quite the way it should.

That's where this option comes in. Different values of the variable are no longer dumped onto the same leaderboard, but are actually distinct boards, while still clearly being related in the interface, and still being part of the same category.

For example: http://i.imgur.com/YojpFWg.png In this image, only the top two items are actually categories. 'Any% (Beginner)', 'Any% (Standard)' etc are values of a variable used as subcategory, and Japanese/English is another subcategory. These two subcategories belong specifically to the 'Kingdom Hearts II FM HD' category.

When you go to the other category (Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep FM HD), you will see the following:

http://i.imgur.com/bmaLSEh.png Terra/Ventus/Aqua and the other row are two different subcategories belonging to that category.

This is how it would have looked (more or less) before: https://i.gyazo.com/98389c7d283524a303cb1b6cef009e73.png

Of course, it is still possible to have a variable used as subcategory set to apply to all categories, if that's what you need. For example, the subcategories on this page apply to all categories: http://www.speedrun.com/gtavc_chaos

Each value of a subcategory variable can also have its own rules defined, if needed.

To use a variable as subcategory, it needs to have a default value set, and it needs to be mandatory.

Note that this isn't a huge, complete overhaul of the system, so for example you cannot nest multiple levels of subcategories, but it actually ended up working quite well.

As always, let me know if you have any issues/questions/bugs/suggestions about this.


An option to make subcategory values misc has been added. See http://www.speedrun.com/gtavc_chaos for an example (The 'Show all >>' button shows the misc values).

To help setting up new variables/values, there's a new button on the edit game page that applies the default value to all runs without a value for that variable. This works regardless of whether the variable is used as a subcategory or not.

mammaru339, Hydro et 20 autres aime ceci
Bavaria, GermanyLighnat0r9 years ago

Recently I've been working on a new update, and although progress has been slower than I would've liked, I want to share a bit about what the update will be about, as this includes changes to some existing functionality which not everyone might be as comfortable with if it were just done out of the blue. Additionally, I want to hear suggestions and opinions since you're ultimately going to be the ones using the updated features, so it needs to fit with what you want to see.

[big]Obviously the update is still in development, so everything in this post is subject to change.[/big]

As the title reads, this update is, in essence, about game tags. Game tags are a backend combination and simplification of a bunch of existing systems (platforms, regions, series, rom hacks) and - to some extent - new types of tags (more on that later).

The main benefit of game tags is that is allows us to much more easily extend functionality for the tags as well as extend functionality that wants to deal with multiple tag types at once.

[section=Regarding the existing systems]

Platforms and regions: Currently no functionality changes are planned.

Rom hacks: Currently a game would be marked as a rom hack no matter what kind of unofficial release it is, and then being hidden away in some mostly unfindable place while still showing up in other (possibly unwanted) places. This functionality is basically thrown out and redesigned from the ground up. A game will be able to have 'Game type' tags set (generally no more than one will be relevant, but it could have more). It will still be a fully functional game, and will behave no different than without a game type tag (mostly). The one and primary exception is that they will be filtered out by default on several pages, such as the front page, the search bar, the games list and series overviews. You'll be able to disable this filtering on the settings page with yet to be decided granularity. For the games list and series overviews the filters can also be turned off on the page itself using a new filter system, more on that later.

Currently planned game types are: 'mod', 'fangame', 'web/flash' and 'rom hack'. Let us know if you think of any others that are useful. Note that there is no functionality difference between game types, it's just a naming thing.

Series: With respect to making series part of the game tags system, there are not a great many changes. The primary extension of functionality is that a game can now be part of multiple series at the same time. This should make organization a bit easier. At the same time, it also creates some minor design challenges but more significantly, one big issue which is probably the most 'controversial' of the update: the 'Series moderators have power here' option. The option certainly has its uses, but is also a big source of confusion/annoyance/drama. Now, with multiple series, this would get way worse (where do mods come from, wanting to have series mods from one series but not the other(s)). As it happens, all the code related to the option would also have to be rewritten for the update, so this seems like a good time to rip off the band aid and get rid of the option altogether. First off: There are no changes in what games someone moderates before and after this update. All series moderators that have power over games will be added to those games explicitly in the update. Series moderators will still exist to edit the series options/theme and add games to series when necessary etc. They will just be there to moderate the series, not everything in the series. This means that if there are cases where someone needs to be added to all games, it's a bit more work, but this will positively reinforce that people actually only moderate the games they should be moderating and create better expectations that the moderator actually knows the game and actually moderates it.

We realize that moderation is often a bit of a sore subject, so be sure to let us know what you think and if there any other concerns regarding this change.

[section=Regarding new tag types]

With the game tags system in place, it is significantly easier to implement new, related functionality.There aren't any concrete things implemented yet, but there are a couple of types on the ideas list (more suggestions are, again, welcome):

  • Genre
  • Developer/publisher
  • Game engine - Since a lot of glitches/techniques are engine-dependent, this might aid in finding newer, faster strats.
  • Glitches featured - This ties in with the filter system I'll talk about in a bit, but this would include things such as 'has ACE', 'has RNG manipulation' etc - (Note: these tags, like all others, are applied on a game level, not on a category/run level). I didn't actually know this when I came up with it, but http://tasvideos.org/ has a couple of these but applied to specific movies.

These new types will probably be editable in a similar fashion to platforms/regions, that is they'd be set by game moderators.

[section=Regarding the filter system]

Now that all the different tags are part of one bigger system, this allows us to much more easily search for specific criteria. To that extent, a filter system is in development which can and will be used in several places.

One of these places is the games list (as mentioned before). Instead of the current flat list which a couple of sorting options but no real way to deal with the massive amount of data, there will be a more managable, sortable, filterable and paginated list which will give a better overview of what's out there and much more finegrained control over what results you see. For some examples, you will be able to get a list of:

  • all PC games from the 90s alphabetically
  • all NES RPG games excluding rom hacks
  • all PC RPG games released in 2010 or 2013 that are not on the Unity or Unreal engines which feature wrong warps sorted by popularity (if you want to get crazy)

The exact same system is used on series overview pages (but then limited to that series, of course).

The filter system will also be implemented on the streams page, although not with the exact same filters. For example, you will be able to get a list of only streams where the streamer has a PB in the game they're streaming. If you have any more ideas for filters for the streams page, let us know.

To illustrate the system, here are some images. Since it's an interactive system, images don't tell the whole story, but it's better than nothing.

Series overview: http://i.imgur.com/O7gSEKx.jpg

Games list: http://i.imgur.com/RQeu2Lx.png

Streams page: http://i.imgur.com/CMLKr9L.jpg

Note: the system is far from done, this is not a final implementation/design. As should be obvious in the images, not all filters are added yet either.

You will also be able to link to any specific results page immediately for your convenience. Because of the better games page, this also offers the opportunity to improve the search bar to link to the specific games results page if there are more results than it can display, although this is not yet implemented so might be postponed to later.

Sorry if the post seems a bit out of order at times, there is a lot of interaction so it's kinda difficult to write it down linearly.

I do hope that the post is understandable in all, please reply with any and all ideas/suggestions/concerns/opinions/questions that you have, now is the best time to do so.

Kargha, Havi et 15 autres aime ceci
Bavaria, GermanyLighnat0r9 years ago

Hey everyone,

The update which allows you to follow games and customize your notification settings is finally released!

A lot of pages are affected by this in some form or other, so let me try to explain the main things:

[section=Notification settings] On your settings page (accessible from the gear icon in the navigation bar or the sidemenu of your profile), you will find your 'Global notification settings'. These include the notification types that already existed (when your run gets verified, someone likes your forum post etc) as well as a whole bunch of new ones (for example when a run is submitted for you to verify, or when one of your WRs is beaten). Check out the page for all possible types. For every notification type, you can customize whether you want to get that notification, as well as if you want to get an email for that type. All email options are opt-in only.

Further down on the settings page are several options to manage your followed games. Let me discuss those while explaining what following games does. [section=Following games] As of this update, you can follow games (just games, not series, not users, etc (yet)) by going to that games' page and clicking the new 'Follow' button in the sidemenu. There are a couple things that might make you want to follow games:

First of all, there are various notification types that are game specific, so you can set them separately for every game you are following. This'll help you stay informed about what's happening with that game. Once you follow a game, a 'Follow settings' link will appear in the sidemenu of that game, which will allow you to customize your settings for that game (the settings are personal and for that specific game only). Currently the only settings available on the page are the 'Game notification settings'. These are notification types different from the global ones, for which you can once again customize which types you want to get and if you want to get emails for a type.

Related to this is the 'Followed games default notification settings', located on the settings page The settings you choose there is what will be set for any new games you follow after this (hence 'default'). If you want to quickly change notification settings for all games you're following, check the 'Apply default to all followed games' checkbox before you save. Doing that WILL override any customizations you've made to settings for individual games.

Secondly, when you've followed games, instead of the 'Games' button in the navigation bar sending you straight to the page showing all games, it will show a list of all the games you are following (currently limited to showing max 15 to avoid it getting too long) as well as a button to still reach the page showing all games. The order of this list is customizable, again on the settings page. Currently you can choose from the following automatic sort modes:

  • Chronological
  • Alphabetical
  • Most recently accessed
  • Usage

Additionally, you can manually order the list by using the Up and Downg icons to move games on the list. Any new games you follow will automatically be sorted in with the rest according to the sort mode set. For the access date and usage modes, the order will also be updated accordingly whenever you go to the pages of your followed games, ofc. If you want to keep the order exactly as it is, set the sort mode to custom (which is what it also gets set to if you manually order the list). In this case any newly followed games will be added to the bottom of the list. You can also directly access the 'Follow settings' pages of the games from this list by clicking their Edit icon, or unfollow games by clicking the Delete icon.

The streams page will list streams in games you follow first, then the rest. This applies to the main streams page, but also to the streams pages of individual series if you only follow some of the games in the series.

The forums page will, instead of showing all series and taking forever to load, only show the forums of games you are following (with a 'Show all' button to load all the series as they are now). In addition the those game forums, the Main forums (like this one) are also still shown, as well as marathon forums. The order of the game forums is the same as the order of the list of the 'Games' button (although not limited to showing max 15).

If you so desire, you can unfollow games you've followed using the 'Unfollow' button that replaces the 'Follow' button for followed games in their sidemenu.

Currently other users cannot see which games you're following, in the future they might but you'll be able to set it to be hidden if you want to.

[section=Other changes]

  • Changed: Games that have been on the site for over 2 weeks can now only be deleted by full mods to prevent possible abuse or mistakes. Contact a full mod in this forum or in some other way if you do find that you need an old game deleted for whatever reason.
  • Changed: Rejected runs will no longer show their place on the Runs awaiting verification page.
  • Changed: Marathon forums that have been inactive for over 30 days are now hidden by default. Use the 'Show inactive forums' button to show them.
  • Fixed: Various bugs.

As a lot of code regarding basically everything has been changed, it is possible that some new bugs have appeared despite testing before release. If you do find any bugs or have anything else to report about the update, let us know here or if it is security sensitive send an email to lighnat0r at gmail.com

MarvJungs, AMVX et 14 autres aime ceci
Bavaria, GermanyLighnat0r10 years ago

Hello everyone!

The multicoop update just went live, adding support for coop runs with more than 2 players as well as some other, smaller features. In addition, a variety of bugs have been fixed in all things related to runs.

Since most of the code dealing with runs has been rewritten/changed, it is possible that some new bugs have appeared despite testing before release. If you do find any bugs or have anything else to report about the update, let us know here or if it is security sensitive send an email to lighnat0r ɑt gmail.com

Bavaria, GermanyLighnat0r10 years ago

If there are any platforms not currently in the list on the site that you would like to add games for, let us know in this thread so we can add them. For a full list of supported platforms, check out the sidebar on the Games page when sorted by platform.

Previously all platforms would show up by default on the Edit Game page, which is why adding too many platforms wasn't desirable to keep that page neat. As of now, platforms that are used by less than 2% of the games on the site, will be considered obscure. This means that they will hidden on the Edit Game page by default. Showing obscure platforms can be toggled using the Show/Hide obscure button on the Edit Game page. Other than that, there are no differences between obscure and other platforms.

Please keep in mind that requesting a platform should be done when you actually need the platform, don't go requesting every platform you know, just because you've heard of it :)

Bogdan_mk et Havi aime ceci
Bavaria, GermanyLighnat0r10 years ago

For a while now, the site has been growing steadily with several new game requests daily. Our policy for accepting those requests is currently quite lenient, and will remain so.

However, as you can imagine, not everyone that requests a game actually puts effort into it afterwards which has led to a growing amount of 'empty' games, games that have no categories and no levels and even some empty series.

To resolve this, we have decided to implement a new policy: Requested games/series that have not been set up 2 weeks after being accepted, will be deleted.

To clarify what we mean with set up, this means: **

  • For series: No set up games in the series.
  • For games: No categories or levels for the game. If it is not possible for normal users to submit runs for the game, it is not set up. **

To ensure a smooth transition, this policy will be implemented starting one week from now, Friday, 20 Feb 2015. Removing the games will be handled manually, so don't worry about unintended automatic removals.

We hope doing this will make the site even better, it wouldn't have been possible without all of you <3

[small]Remember, #ESAHYPE2015 #keeponsaxing [/small]

Harshit, FireGoesFast et 52 autres aime ceci
Bavaria, GermanyLighnat0r10 years ago

While large updates will of course still be announced here in the forum, if you want to know what's changing on a smaller scale, a changelog will be kept on the page linked below:

[big] http://www.speedrun.com/changelog [/big]

Bavaria, GermanyLighnat0r10 years ago

This site automatically supports emotes from Twitch and FrankerFaceZ in various places (guides, forums etc), as well as some from BTTV and of course our own emotes (since it has never really been published, I've added a list of them at the bottom of the post).

As you can imagine, not all emote codes are that great so some of them can appear in normal text. To this end, we have a number of emotes that are blacklisted to prevent this.

For the most part Twitch emotes are not a problem, since subscriber emotes have a prefix anyway. However Twitch has recently added a bunch of subscriber emotes to their list that do not (yet) have prefixes, which caused them to show up everywhere. Trollbear666 has kindly gone through all the games pages and all/most of the problematic emotes are now blacklisted, but in case he missed some or if Twitch adds even more of these, please post them here or contact an admin so they can get blacklisted.

[section=Our Emotes]

:​) - :)

;​) - ;)

:​D - :D

:LOL​: - :LOL:

8​-) or 8​) or B​-) or B​) - 8)

:​( - :(

​:( - >:(

:​P - :P

:​S - :S

0​_0 or :​o or :​0 - :o

o_​O - o_O

^​_^ - ^_^

^​^;;; - ^^;;;

~:​o - ~:o

x_​x - x_x

¬​_¬ - ¬_¬

:​[ - :[

o_​o - o_o

:'​( or ;​_; - ;_;

@​_@ - @_@

-​- - --

​_> - >_>

D​: - D:

.​_.' - ._.'

(​y) or (​Y) - (y)

(​n) or (​N) - (n)

​ [section=Blacklisted emotes] double , US , Win , Fraud , TW , CA , Demon , S , R , Q , FC , FP , Sup , Hey , Up , Cat , Wat , Carl , Love , Juice , Choo , Rage , Creep , Mad , Please , SG , Cam , GG , Box , Bomb , Eye , Zombie , BC , Anon , Wizard , triple , Cap , KO , Baby , Choke , Erect , Intensifies , Face , Boy , Kill , Beer , Bag , F3 , PLAYS , KAPPA , SLEEPY , RAGE , FAIL , snap , Cupid , Neith , COAST , COG , SK , Bacchus , Zhong , Erez , TSM , Fenrir , DENIAL , Aphro , SNIPE , Ares , Thor , Anubis , Guan , Anhur , Ymir , Isis , C9 , Apollo , DIG , Rule11 , Ra , GuanYu , Lose , OG , Mwuah , Thirsty , Kitty , Wut , ffzRaz , Troll

ItsPietroFelix, wawawiwa1 et 2 autres aime ceci
Bavaria, GermanyLighnat0r10 years ago

Post any and all headache inducing, unreadable themes here! (Note: if you find your theme here, you might want to change it Kappa)

I'll start this off with actually the best theme on the site: http://i.imgur.com/iSD3hxu.png Link: http://www.speedrun.com/user/verylongusernamehype

Bavaria, GermanyLighnat0r10 years ago

There has been discussion about this for a long time, so hopefully we can solve this finally. Keep this thread ONLY for choosing an option. If you have anything to say, do it in this thread. Any posts in here containing stuff that is not simply a choice, will be [big]removed[/big] or trimmed down to just the choice. Oh yeah, everyone can vote

Option 1: Split after credits Option 2: Split before credits, if The Exchange is not the last thing needed, too bad. Option 3: Split before credits, if The Exchange is not the last thing needed, subtract a fixed amount of time that would be needed to skip the credits.

tdawg91 et JustShanz aime ceci
Bavaria, GermanyLighnat0r10 years ago

To accompany the other thread, post your opinions or anything you want to add to the discussion here. Keep it civilised though!

Bavaria, GermanyLighnat0r10 years ago

Shadow_dog pointed this out in IRC, so I figured I should post it here in case anyone is interested. I don't know much about it but will try to explain it a bit. Be sure to check out the website http://www.mishira.com/ for better information.

Mishira is a streaming program which seems to be a mix between OBS and XSplit in that it is free like OBS, but the GUI reminds of XSplit. One of the main benefits over OBS is the ability to stream to multiple sources at once (Twitch + Hitbox, anyone?). The program seems kind of low on options at the moment, but considering it is currently the alpha version that will likely change in the future. I would definitely recommend trying it and/or keeping an eye out on how development progresses.

Mishira was originally planned as a commercial product, but has gone open source. Note that it is currently in alpha, so bugs can be expected.

From the Github page:

Mishira vs OBS Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is a free and open source video recording and live streaming software project that overlaps Mishira's goals in many places. Although the OBS project started before Mishira it was required that Mishira be developed completely independently of OBS as it was intended to be a commercial closed source product. During the time that Mishira was in development behind closed doors the OBS team begun a rewrite initiative that was aimed to fix many of the issues that the original code had and to allow multiple user interfaces to share the same underlying broadcaster code. Now that Mishira is also an open source project there are some conflicts between the two projects.

As Mishira's goal is only to provide a "streamlined and polished user experience" then if OBS's underlying library can be reused by Mishira without causing any regressions to existing features then it is beneficial for both projects to make them converge into a single strong initiative. Although it may take a very long time to replace Mishira's core with the OBS library it is definitely something that should be worked towards, at least in the long term. If you would like to help make this happen please get in contact with us!


Bavaria, GermanyLighnat0r10 years ago

To avoid having to kill all the enemies in the Liberator yard, use a replay just after you enter the yard (as the enemies are moving to their positions) to stop them from attacking you.

Video probably explains it better:

I drove over the wrong guy at the start, so I got shot a bit at the end, that guy is the only one that becomes hostile though so driving over him means not getting attacked at all.

Also get hype for garage rng, lol.

Bavaria, GermanyLighnat0r10 years ago

Because this form of art should be saved forever!

It's Baker. I just wanted to say I really enjoyed the speedrun. Me and the boys want to thank you, and remind you, you got our respect. Good day. Keep riding hard, son.

M00n, it's Lighnat0r. You're a marvel! I'm a marvel! They love us. We are re-writing the record books, pal. We are talking major awards here. I can put my dad in a home and tell him to shut up. It's hot, man. Hot. H. O. T. He never believed in me. Never thought I was an artist, and now You've made it. You're the best damn skin flick director of all time, my friend. And I just wanted to say, it's a pleasure to have met you. I love you, baby. Don't you go changing on me, you hear.

GTA 5 is amazing because literally 100s of people worked together to code, animate and playtest a multi-million dollar game and at no point did anyone realise that it isn't actually fun.

Oh, wonderful! Incredible Lighnat0r, incredible. No wimps, just real men, and the beautiful women! Anyway, I wanted to tell you, me and #gta, to us, you Cuban. You have proved yourself man. You got big cojones.

Eidgod, I really enjoyed viewing with you. Ain't had so much fun since the ridge in Nam pal. Anyhows, you need anything you call on me, you hear!? I always remember those I ran with and I'm sure I can help you out, you hear!?

Bavaria, GermanyLighnat0r10 years ago

Molotok asked whether it's possible to keep the VCN Maverick for Sir, Yes Sir, so I did some testing and came up with this. In testing I found it to be ~0:45 faster than the old route (with Cuban Hermes), though someone who's actually good at the game should test it for exact gains. In addition, you have the VCN Maverick instead of the Police Maverick so you'll be slightly faster all the way through Shakedown, since you're using a faster heli.

The route change in a nutshell: (Park the VCN Maverick at Diaz Mansion after The Chase as normal.) Do The Fastest Boat with the Infernus instead of the VCN Maverick. Don't re-park the boat after The Fastest Boat, it won't be used. After Supply & Demand, take the VCN Maverick to Cortez. Starting Sir, Yes Sir, take the VCN Maverick to the tank. Park it next to the military convoy (so NOT in its path) so it wont blow up once you're in the tank. To unlock the tank, simply shoot the gunner. After delivering the tank, run back to the VCN Maverick, taking the Lance call as it comes up. Fly the VCN Maverick to the Malibu club. Take the Kent call at the club. (Continue as normal with Death Row.)

Other things I tried that could be worth looking into but didn't work out:

  1. Parking the VCN Maverick slightly further away at the Cortez Marina, take the Lance call there. The after starting Sir, Yes Sir, take the Cheetah the short stretch to the VCN Maverick and continue as normal (Despawned the VCN Maverick as soon as I got into the Cheetah. Not likely faster either, since you already take the Cortez call there).
  2. Instead of going directly to the tank, park the VCN Maverick at the Vice Cheetah, take that to the tank, then after delivering the tank go back to the VCN Maverick. (the VCN Maverick had despawned when I got back to it. This is most likely slower anyway.)

Getting into a vehicle other than those in the video will obviously despawn the heli.

Bavaria, GermanyLighnat0r10 years ago

Not too difficult if you get the timing right. Be sure to press "exit vehicle" as you hit the gate to get it. Saves a couple of seconds I guess.

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