One of them. In the category rules it explicitly says champions, euro OR conference :)
Even before that it was already very difficult lol. Even on the easiest difficulty it's a very difficult run to at least complete. Good luck
Hey guys. I created this topic to give some suggestions to the current moderator. I think creating a discord server for this game would be great. There we could talk and add new moderators for the game. There are many runs that are inaccessible to do, such as the UCL, national leagues and national cups, which could have their rules changed to allow players to do so. And maybe create new categories, since the game has endless possibilities :)
Thanks Djamma, although I'm not the first player to make runs of this game, it would be an honor to be a moderator
Thank you for the nomination. I would love to be part of the moderation team because i love this game. I hope the current admin can think about it :)
Thanks for your help. We all have a lot of problems to solve in real life and this is normal, mistakes happen :)
I agree with you. But that's not the point. I was shocked that 3 important categories have record holders who broke the rules and yet the run was accepted. This really harms other people who want to try for a record. For example, in the World Cup, it's impossible to beat the guy's record, precisely because he cut several parts of the run and set a time that was humanly impossible if the person followed the rules, you know?
I created this topic because I want answers from the moderators. I saw three runs that were mistakenly accepted. The first is the sacked category, where the record holder uses the function to skip matches other than in friendly matches. Secondly, the record holder in the World Cup category did not start recording in a new save and was controlling France, he broke two rules. Thirdly, the record holder in the Continential Cup: Europe category bought a team with coins and this is not allowed. These runs should not have been validated.
The rules say that you can't buy a team with coins, this guy did that. Why was this run validated?
This guy didn't comply with the rules imposed by the category. First of all: he doesn't start the run by taking control of a team. Second place: he is playing with France, that is, he bought the team with coins or accepted an offer, so he broke the rule of playing in a new save. This run should not be validated, I ask for the adms cooperation to do this, as this is not fair to other players.