GermanyLaxxus2 years ago

There is pretty much nothing else besides adding games for a series mod. You can edit the theme/visuals of the series page but once that is done there is literally nothing to do for a series mod.

landus et Walgrey aime ceci
GermanyLaxxus2 years ago

For me it definitely doesn't show up anymore. That's a pretty weird bug (I assume something is not intended here, there's no reason to show it for some people and not for others)

GermanyLaxxus2 years ago

I can open his profile just fine on both pc and mobile. Just takes a moment to load the runs.

YUMmy_Bacon5 aiment ceci
performance: SD The Great Battle
GermanyLaxxus2 years ago

offline? DansGame

GermanyLaxxus2 years ago

Savestates should never be allowed on leaderboards.

Brood, PheonixMMKC777 et 4 autres aime ceci
GermanyLaxxus2 years ago

what a god gamer!

Dancarnate aiment ceci
GermanyLaxxus2 years ago

Try to contact them first via other contact possibilities outside of this site(youtube, twitter or whatever). If they still don't respond and/or verify your runs, then go ahead and request mod yourself from the support hub.

edit: I'm too slow

MrMonsh, Merl_ et 2 autres aime ceci
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

Normally you should at least be able to find that run in the audit log since you changed it recently.

Pear et YUMmy_Bacon5 aime ceci
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

Game Series is still showing up for me in the game list.

Even though my SRC is in english, I get stuff like: Verified by Laxxus vor 3 Stunden (german for 3 hours ago) Submitted by x vor 6 Tagen (german for 6 days ago)

GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

From the Game request rules: Well-known users or moderators of other games in a series may request unreleased games beginning 21 days prior to launch. In rare cases, requests for unreleased games may be accepted by well-known users and only at site staff discretion. Series moderators may also add games to complete a series. Games will not be added prior to release for users who are not well-known.

So as a mod of another game in the series you definitely have a chance (but no guarantee) to get it accepted before release.

Edit: Also keep in mind that in some cases series mods still exist that can add games to their series without going through the support hub requests (for that new Sonic game for example that may have happened)

ShikenNuggets, Pear, et Merl_ aime ceci
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

All kinds of Point 'n Click adventures are on the site, so I don't see why the Hidden Object adventures shouldn't be allowed. In the sense of a speedrun they should be basically the same.

Pear, Merl_ et 4 autres aime ceci
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

Yeah, I'd rather leave it on the board when it was a legit run that people have seen before it got deleted, especially if it still is WR. It is part of the history of the game. Things like that will happen a lot in all games over time. I also would consider adding a mod note to said runs to avoid everyone asking/getting upset over the missing video.

MrMonsh, Merl_ et 5 autres aime ceci
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

that sounds like a very arbitrary ruleset ;-)

spyriel aiment ceci
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

I didnt know this site was dying already.

and no, there isn't any site comparable to this one for speedruns.

M_CBL_, Jubilee et 10 autres aime ceci
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

And 2DS is for all intents and purposes the exact same as 3DS.

O.D.W., Pear et 2 autres aime ceci
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

It can currently take hours to show up after you changed the rules.

GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

I think everyone can decide for themselves what ruins their enjoyment or not. Basically no game ever was "meant" for speedrunning.

O.D.W., Ivory et 4 autres aime ceci
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

and you really think when they play back a spliced run they don't also fake a heart rate on screen? lol

Symystery, MadGamer1984 et 7 autres aime ceci
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

Would something like the Konami GB collections work for you? Those are collections of 4 Gameboy game re-releases each, only came out in Japan(for Gameboy) and europe(for Gameboy Color). I'm not super familiar with all the games in those collections included, so I mostly know that they are coloured versions and might have less lag but should be the same games as the original GB releases. Two of them have leaderboards here:

O.D.W. aiment ceci
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

Bunnyhopping is not a mod lol. Before you start accusing everything and everyone of cheating, understand how it works.

Quivico, MrMonsh et 3 autres aime ceci
À propos de Laxxus
7 years ago
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Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon
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Prison city
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Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon
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Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2
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Castlevania: The Adventure
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Betrayal at Krondor
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