California, USAKh19422 years ago

I feel like a job% would be a bit more interesting than a watermelon%. With watermelon%, I personally just see it as you doing the skate minigame repeatedly until you get enough money to pay for the watermelon, which is not ENTIRELY bad, but I feel is less interesting/engaging. With a job%, I see this as a boss rush of sorts, but with jobs. Tacking all of the jobs in Twilight Town as fast as possible sounds a bit more interesting and engaging in my opinion as a category.

If we keep it strictly watermelon%, I feel merging what I see a job% would look like into watermelon% would be the best way to go about it in my opinion: Earning enough money to afford a watermelon, but you have to do ALL of the jobs within Twilight Town at LEAST once.

Hopefully this makes sense.

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