JinPride3 years ago

i just got it myself. the timer stops on loads, so the timer differnce is the loadspeed difference of the runners systems.

cease_ aiment ceci
JinPride3 years ago


so i was watching a Final Fantasy IX HD PC - Any% No Major Skips run, i was watching 2 runs at the same time on 2 monitors, making myself kind of a race (zockerstu vs walrusbeard).

I time it so the timers on both streams are as near as possible to each other, so lets say the speedrun timer is 00:00:10.xx for both runs (both on twitch).

After the streams run for a while, i noticed one timer falling behind the other, for like 5-6 seconds. i synced them again becuase i thought i messed up, but it happend again and again.

So my dumb question ist, why is that? There a obvious reason iam sure but i kind of dont get it right now :p

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3 years ago
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