everywhere i look, there is either no tutorial or a clip of someone performing the deathwarp in level 4 without explaining it. can anyone help out?
NOTE: I have beaten this time already with better recording software as promised, I will submit that run soon
I have a neat idea to add 4 more categories, in interest for some shorter runs. 1st suggestion is trash and the gang%, where you buy all of trash and the gang, and have them all on-stage to get the achievement shown on the menu screen. All the other suggestions I have are the same for Rockstars Assemble, (Rockstar Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy and Lefty), Mediocre Melodies, (Orville, PigPatch, Happy Frog, Mr Hippo and Neddbear) and finally, Posh Pizzeria% (Funtime Chica, El Chip and MUSIC MANNNN). Let me know your opinions on this!
just in case any new runners don't know, pressing enter is slightly faster for some screens, such as the menu warning screen and a few others.
Me and a friend of mine are interested in running this game to go for co-op runs. Just wondering if a mod could add co-op 100% to the leaderboard for a place for those runs? Thanks in advance! Friend: GodgamerGG
@modularized ye thats why i said most and not all. was trying to point out that a lot of ppl were being rude but not all of them were. wasnt trying to create conflict, sry
bruh, this thread is dumb. some 8yr old asked if they could make a speedrun.com account, and most people here are just being rude for the sake of it. goes to show the 8yr old may be more mature than some of the clowns here