RussiaFunC_Controls6 years ago

Little idea on emu runs. I think works nice to prove youself you not using any kind of macros with Windows especiallly if runner would stream live his emu attempts on twitch or elsewhere. Its for people who will do wr or high result attempts on emu not to make everybody suspicious, writing just in case, maybe somebody will read and use it as an addition. Its kind of 100% no input cheat proof on Windows. The thing is you can do screen capture, show you pc workspace, show all your apps in task bar one by one, open your task manager, scroll down all tasks slowly, open your windows tray, show all app names there, open emu input configuration, show buttons set. Someday somebody will recognize if there smth bad in task manager anyway. Not so hard do once 2-3 hours before attempts, need one minute for this. But its intricate, yeah XD I leave it here just in case, you know.

Thanks for bringing all the things back everybody who participated, I am grateful.

twin0mega aiment ceci
RussiaFunC_Controls6 years ago

If there is an emu problem, you can make a rule to capture whole window of emulator, with title and borders, and if there is smth that can be used to make run easier, just dont accept or ban a run. Normal runner can always rerun following the rules with same result or even better.

For example, these are SMB rules about emulators, seems fair enough to use: "Turbo/Autofire and left+right/up+down are banned. It's also highly preferred that if you're running on emulator to capture the entire window of the emulator, including the window border. Using savestates to the title screen is prohibited. You need to use the reset function on your emulator or console and the reset must be shown on the video."

You can also add "a+b/a(b)+up(down,left,right) is not allowed" to be sure nobody can find hole in the rules there.

You can also add Messen (hardware settings) and Nesbox (automatic left+right) emus to banned, I am sure they can be used not in good way. Dont know about others.

I think move keyboard runs to other category would be nice and fair for everybody.

Thanks for understanding, Richie.

RussiaFunC_Controls6 years ago

"the nature of input complexity differs between them" You are taking words of whole text withouts understanding, seems its smth you dont want to understand. Look at the ng1, ng2 runs, and I dont talking only about all the ng series. Look at SMB, castelvania series etc. What we all, guys that using emus, and playing/runing just for own pleasure/using gamepads with emus, should be banned or moved to other category, just to protect somebodys single wr, I respect Richie, he is totally my favourite game wr holder, I always knew the current wr was cheated in someway, but its not reason to kick out other emu runners cause of only 1 runnner moderators wasnt able to check normally, ok? "nature of input complexity differs between them" And once again, ok, if you read like a , whats the ** difference between my run on nestopia 1.41 with gamepad and console run? Have I any advantages there? Of course not! Its smth you just "oh dude its to smart for me to talk, I just wanna talk how hardware is really cool here and cant be changed with emu" "nature of input complexity differs between them" And you dont seem even casual with nes games, cause you talked *** just to feel you right at this point, every nes game especially nes platformer game has a way to cheat with inputs while runnning on emu, but its not the reason to kick out normal emu runs with cheated to another category. "that it does for this game" I know what it does for this game, believe me, and I am totally understanding it, and you dont, cause your catch 1 sentence of this whole text, I hope not for licking smbds **, and the thing that I dont want to even submit my new fair gamepad emu pb to this piece of cr*p, to cheated category, with 5 runs, its something that this category does not deserve while there cheated results/cool emus. And dude try what I am trying to do on the same setup, and only then open your mouth, since you dont understand what are you talking about.

RussiaFunC_Controls6 years ago

I will leave my opinion here anyway.

Ok, I am trying to run this game ("u" not "j") a whole year from time to time for own pleasure. I am playing on emu, using nestopia 1.41, I guess this emulator has more pain than advantage over console (since its a bit laggy, sometimes eating inputs, and showing you wonderfull patterns 50-70% of time). And I am playing on gamepad, since its more challenging and more hard to do. So i guess its pretty fair to leave nestopia 1.41 gamepad runs in "common" category, since there is no single technical advantage for such runs. Try it yourself, I think its even harder than to do it on console.

You strictly figured out 1 single emulator used on wr and banned it (without banning wr), but if I will use Mesen tomorrow (and slightly speed up game without visible changes, i remember you can do so there) or Nesbox (and will show masterpiece wallclimbes, i remember you can do so there), what you guys gonna do? Dont make next runners that will come to cheat in emu category

Since everybody understand that WR was a little bit cheated, you guys moved all emu runs to category with cheated wr, so I guess this category is dead now? Or its a "cheated" category now? There are only 5 runs there: top 1 banned emu, top 2 Messen I guess (that emu can be banned too at some point cause it gives you some hardware alike controlls), I feel like I am ripped there with my fair nestopia/gamepad runs. Its not encouraging and fair at all. I am using emu but and have no advantages there. Since wr is probably cheated and there is no way to cheat like this again, how am I supposed to beat it lul? So you encouraging guys like me "use strictly keyboard / find new ways to cheat with inputs" in this new "emu" category or what?

Why you just dont separate keyboard and gamepad runs and add a rule "no left+right or no up+b on 1 button" if you feel that keyboard has an advantage over gamepad in this way? Cause not all the emulators give you such input advantages as this "gotvg". Without input advantages normal emulator is a piece of laggy c**p.

There are tons of NES games on without such separation, I feel like you guys just did it to throw away cheated wr from common to another category not to have a responsibility to totally ban this run from leaderboard. And the new runners like me (and that will come after) are supposed to beat "cheated" wr in emu category. Nice news, dudes.

I dont want to pay 400 bucks to run a single game and have my run not in "cheated" category and have a nice video of it. I love this game yes, but wont do it.

I really think you should change there something. Changing it to "Gamepad" / "Keyboard and other controllers" and adding a rule "no left+right or no up+b on 1 button" for "Keyboard" category will be more fair. Sorry for my bad english, mistakes. P.s. What if the runner with fightstick will come to "console" category?

twin0mega aiment ceci
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