fil: Primordialis
I am now also here and I figured a WR run would be a good introduction, right? ;)
fil: ROBLOX: Roll Call
I seem to still have a fair few records standing a couple years after they were set. I wonder when they will finally fall, and look forward to a new player taking my place. ~Fishy
performance: ROBLOX: Roll Call
Congrats on getting into the top three, might want to have a look at the cut used for the WR though, as it saves a lot of time.
fil: ROBLOX: Roll Call
Runs will be rejected if the runner leaves the scope of the run for anything more than building up a little extra speed. Beanstalk Branchway 10's warp is not part of toybox trail, and is thus not allowed for that run.
fil: ROBLOX: Roll Call
Yes, the moment you reach level 1 of the next area. e.g coral canyon ends the moment you get to rainy retreat.
fil: ROBLOX: Roll Call
fil: ROBLOX: Roll Call
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