QuébecFenr1r792 years ago

ok thanks. might be something i'll want to goof off with ;)

QuébecFenr1r792 years ago

Is money at the shrine totally Random or is there a manip possible? Thanks!

QuébecFenr1r793 years ago

funny cuz i already play on emulator but thought playing on ps2 hardware would be faster. guess i was wrong. and if i decided to go ps3 i assume that i would play a digital copy. thanks.

QuébecFenr1r793 years ago

i assume that there is a difference between loading times of ps2 and ps3. I wonder about how much time could be save. I currently have a ps2 and dunno if switch to ps3 would be worth it!

QuébecFenr1r794 years ago

ok thanks for the reply. yeah wanted to try my hand at any% first. Radu's run was kinda mind blowing. so much skills manip. But it was kinda fun watch him one shotting bosses (like kanji). And also i see runners switching the V-sync On and off. does anyone know what's up with that?

QuébecFenr1r794 years ago

wayyyyy too troublesome. either gonna found another way or simply give it up! and by the way does it HAVE to be Me patra that's changing or it can be any skill?

QuébecFenr1r794 years ago

is there a consitent way to get megido. Must have tried like 20+ times and got it... once. Thought it was just a fluke too :(

QuébecFenr1r794 years ago

yeah of course i remember. sorry i didn't complete my long LP (or should i say LP's) felt like those were my... "guilty pleasure" Thx for the info (about the autosplit) gonna give it a check sometimes.

QuébecFenr1r794 years ago

Hi. i'm kinda new in persona 4. But i'm planning for maybe speedrunning it. Thing is there seems to be time with loads and time without loads. is there like an Autosplitter available for speedruning?

QuébecFenr1r798 years ago

Can i use an emulator to play the game. Any restrictions regarding? thanks!

QuébecFenr1r798 years ago

Hey Noitamin. For the first question. the important rule about hitting the keys for the splits is the very first time (meaning right after you press B to start the game). You have to press the key to start the timer. The other one is the last time (for example in "master sword" category you have to press the final split at the same time you grab the master sword). Anything in between is up to you. The only thing is trying to be consistent. its different for every runner. For example i like to hit the split button after link little victory spin while others will do it when they grab the pendant/crystal.

For the second question, it actually depends on what platform you're playing. If you're using a traditionnal SNES console hooked up to your computer (with a dazzle for example) then you can record your gameplay and upload the video to youtube (or twitch, hitbox...) and provide the web adress of the video. But if your using an emulator it is strongly recommanded that you stream your gameplay (probably to avoid cheating). i might not be 100% about that one but that's what i do. Hope that helps.

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QuébecFenr1r798 years ago

Like Screevo said you can use any controller (even the keyboard if you emulate ;) ). i first use a xbox 360 wireless controller but i have now switch to a snes USB controller (from "retrolink") Feels a lot different and is a lot lighter and almost as good as the original. Missed that feeling.

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Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
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Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
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Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
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Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
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Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
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