Every run over the past 6 months have been piling up due to me being inactive and the other mod, Currently there was 58 runs in the queue. I will be doing every single one and hopefully reviving this page a bit,
Also feel free to dm me at Chroma#3774 abought you wanting your run verified or any questions
Im not saying anything bad abought the moderators im just wondering how long it normmaly takes becuase on of my runs has taken 19 days and it still hasnt been veryfied
When clicking on the game its tower of hell but its no longer every section in the game, its just a collection of ObrenTune's sections that they made.
I made a run for midtown% and it got rejected for the reasons the fps is to low and the audio has some issuses, The fps was at 30, But i cant play any better, i have a decent computer but stray makes my computer overheat to easily so i cant work around it.
Hi, do I'm in a new country for the next month which means I can't verify runs.
If anyone wants to be a moderator for the mean while, be free to message me
Ends July 2nd
When ever you upload a video with multiple runs in it, please in the videos description or the runs description the timestamp where the run starts.
Can there be more catagorys like all the obbys you need to get to the next zone
At this point the mods have gave up completly and went inactive right after veryifying rejected/troll runs and deleted every real run.
Thats 1 Gui chomik, 1 Not so seret chomik, 1 Oofmilk Chomik and "2" Normanly chomik
I dont think paid emotes should be able to be used in glitched,
I honestly thing i whould just be a good mod on this game becuase i spent alot of time playing it when i submitted it for the boards as well, And i can be active.
How long on avreage does it take for a roblox game to be accepted as a board? i feel like ive been waiting for 3 months.
Can someone tell me how to fix my ad block on here, i never relized how many ads there are o.O
Just wondering, does anyone know if the very first runner on this sites first run is?
Anyone have a good free pc game to speedrun, so i can get them wr's
Ive made at this point 20 new accounts, and everytime i get a halo it says i still dont have it even tho i got the badge, it makes me unable to do any halo speedruns.