@Lets_goo_1234 it got denied bc of no shortcuts, but you just need one shortcut
that is not a shortcut not even in theory
just use the ingame leaderboard, adding that lvls was before time, and i dont think its usefull
the category is the most useless one
next time pls upload it on yt or something ismilar and maybe play the game outside of cockpit cam
thats all the strats i can think of rn, there are prob more,
the finish i did, wallridebounce, then fullcrash the block dragonyeet(jump from the mountinas with high speed) bounce aginst the railing of finish block, to bounce to finish bounce on the start thing, cause its a few pixels higher, and then maybe aginst the railing for more height
@Adamzaza2 what time is it, and is there any possiblity to record his pb?
that one isnt to hard, took me a few minutes, but mostly bc i coundt decide for 1strat, there are like 5diffrent strats to finish this