performance: Neon Rocket
Dead3y31 year ago

Thanks, took a bit to get that much lower from my pb. I've made some attempts on Coinless but lvl 7 makes it seem impossible. Best I've gotten is partway through windmill, but can't make it out. Always run into wall/corner as windmill catches up to me.

performance: Neon Rocket
Dead3y31 year ago

Nice run! Map 5 and 8 are tough

Dead3y31 year ago

Well done! That first fling is so tough to get right, great job :)

Dead3y31 year ago

Well done! :)

Mingu aiment ceci
Dead3y31 year ago

sick run my dude

performance: Stacklands
Dead3y32 years ago

You're on a roll, that race to sell at the end was pretty intense.

Animal9773 aiment ceci
performance: Stacklands
Dead3y32 years ago

Well done! Very close to sub 6! I've wondered about traveling merchant for a while, I never really understood what brings them. It seemed inconsistent in my runs, but that was a while ago now. I wonder if they could be used to shortcut the run massively. Maybe they are too unpredictable to use though.

Edit: Holy crap, I just got it lol. You got the iron from the traveling cart, which only has a 10% chance to spawn on even moons starting on moon 8. Unreal.

Animal9773 aiment ceci
performance: Stacklands
Dead3y32 years ago

Awesome run, beat the game faster than the omelet could cook!

Animal9773 aiment ceci
performance: Stacklands
Dead3y32 years ago

That was insane, very well done!

Animal9773 aiment ceci
performance: Stacklands
Dead3y32 years ago

well done!

Animal9773 aiment ceci
performance: Stacklands
Dead3y32 years ago

Nice run, looking forward to any future runs :)

performance: Stacklands
Dead3y32 years ago

Very impressive card control/movement, great run.

elgan65536 aiment ceci
performance: Stacklands
Dead3y32 years ago

Well done! Looking forward to future runs.

Dead3y32 years ago

Well done on your run, as far as I know most or all communication has been on Go right ahead if you'd like to make a server, stackman is the most active runner of the game to my understanding. ChampionCynthia has also put out a few runs in their main category. Perhaps they and others would have an interest in pushing the game further.

Animal9773 aiment ceci
performance: Stacklands
Dead3y32 years ago

Well done, good luck with future runs!

MySoggyToast aiment ceci
Dead3y32 years ago

For now it will be titled "Short Days Alt" and be a subcategory within Beat The Demon. If you would prefer a different name I am open to suggestions :)

Dead3y32 years ago

Alright then, I'll add the category.

Dead3y32 years ago

So far I have been looking at it as "whichever way gets there fastest will be used", but at this point it seems long days works better so I can make a short day category.

Dead3y32 years ago

I made a new thread for fewest days, no pause, short days, no cleared save. I outlined my thoughts on it, but would love your opinion as I could absolutely be wrong.

Dead3y32 years ago

No pause short days seems good, but I think fewest days makes both the timing of the run more difficult (percentage of current moon is harder to gage) and the run less enjoyable. No one would ever hit tab to speed up in game time, and this makes everything in the game slower (pack opening, resource gathering, etc). Additionally, no cleared save could end up becoming a problem. Getting a record = storing enough money to get a couple sets of the last two packs. Then you just get lucky (goblet, bricks, planks, and iron ore deposit). Having cleared save still relies on some of this luck, but the skill involved in unlocking packs quickly helps lessen rng dependence. Also, as stackman has been proving lately, cleared save means iron from an early mine may be better than explorer pack unlock.

These are my reservations, but I am open to seeing non-cleared save if you are. Not too interested in moon-based timer currently, but I'd love to hear counter arguments

À propos de Dead3y3
2 years ago
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Super Adventure Hand
Super Adventure Hand
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Neon Rocket
Neon Rocket
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Super Adventure Hand
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Neon Rocket
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Super Adventure Hand
Super Adventure Hand
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