New York, USADark-X-rane4 months ago

As of today, new rules have been added to the leaderboard. The following has changed.


From this point onwards, the following categories will have new rules.


  • Stale Reference Manipulation (SRM) will no longer be allowed for this category.

Since SRM is viable and ended up getting used in the Spellstones category, we have decided to ban SRM from all Spellstone categories, as it did not make sense to have it unbanned while also having Shield Hover banned. The point of the Spellstone categories is to make the game more accessible for new runners to try out the game, which is why Shield Hover got banned upon creating the categories. I have notified the runners who used SRM in these categories about this rule change and that their times will no longer be on the leaderboard.

These are the major category and rule changes. If you have any questions, feel free to respond to this post.

New York, USADark-X-rane1 year ago

As of today, new categories and rules have been added to the leaderboard. The following has changed.


Here are the following new categories and changes added to the leaderboard:

  • Spellstone 2
  • Spellstone 1 will now be a sub-category under the new category "Spellstones" along with Spellstone 2

We plan to add other Spellstone sub-categories to the Spellstones category when runs for the other Spellstones are done and pending submission.


From this point onwards, the following categories will have new rules.


  • Shield Hover will no longer be allowed for this category.

Since Shield Hover was used in Spellstone 1 by a couple of runners, we reached out to the runners that used Shield Hover in Spellstone 1 to see if they would be okay with their runs being removed from the leaderboard. The runners in question agreed to have their runs removed, and they will no longer be on the leaderboard.

These are the major category and rule changes. If you have any questions, feel free to respond to this post. Besides that, get ready for another new year of Star Fox Adventures speedruns.

New York, USADark-X-rane1 year ago

As of today, a bunch of rules and categories have either been added, changed, or removed due to recent developments for this game and by requests from the community. The following has changed.


From this point onwards, here are the following changes made to the categories:

  • "All Gateways" will no longer be a category on the leaderboard.
  • Blank Memory Card and Single File will no longer be sub-categories, and each will have its own separate categories instead.
  • Blank Memory Card is now called "Any% (No K5E)".
  • Single File will remain unchanged name-wise.

The goal of these category changes is to prevent the categories from being too similar to one another while also not barring any new discoveries or tricks from being utilized in their entirety. For example, Any% will have no restrictions, allowing the use of any tricks, while Any% (No K5E) and Single File will add varying restrictions where Single File will be the most restricted of the categories. In other words, if a new trick was discovered and the community deemed it to be a problem, it would be barred from Single File. But it would not be banned from Any% or Any% (No K5E). The only time Any% (No K5E) may add restrictions would be if a new trick also affected Any%.


From this point onwards, the following categories will have new rules. Keep in mind that Blank Memory Card's name has been changed and will be referred to as Any% (No K5E) from this point onwards:

Any% (No K5E)/Single File:

  • Removed the requirement for all Gateways needing to be unlocked. (ex, Dark Ice Mines, Cloud Runner Fortress, etc.)
  • Removed the requirement for depositing Spellstone 4.

Any% (No K5E):

  • Krazoa 5 Early will no longer be allowed for this category.

Single File:

  • Krazoa 5 Early and Shield Hover will no longer be allowed for this category.

These are the major category and rule changes. If you have any questions, feel free to respond to this post. Besides that, get ready for another new age of Star Fox Adventures speedruns.

performance: Star Fox Adventures
New York, USADark-X-rane2 years ago

Moving this to glitchless since this run falls under this category.

RedStar_Hunter aiment ceci
New York, USADark-X-rane2 years ago

As of today, a bunch of rules and categories have either been added, changed, or removed due to some recent developments for this game. The following has been changed.

Starting off with some rule changes, Blank Memory Card and Single File will now have additional rules that runners must follow for runs in the respected categories to be valid. These rule changes will not invalidate any of the runs currently on the Blank Memory Card or Single File Leaderboards. Here are the new rules that will be enacted for Blank Memory Card and Single File from this point onwards...

  • All Gateways must be unlocked. (ex, Dark Ice Mines, Cloud Runner Fortress, etc.)
  • Spellstone 4 must be deposited.

These rules will make it so that Void Traveling can still be done on these categories without completely changing the route drastically.

Now that I've mentioned all the current rules changes, we can move on to the biggest change for this game. We are rebranding Blank Memory Card and Single File to be a part of a new category called "All Gateways" The reason why we have decided to remove these categories from Any% is due to the rule changes mentioned prior. Since we do not want to ban Void Traveling from these categories, the only way to allow this trick to be a part of Blank Memory Card and Single File without changing the routes drastically is to add the restrictions mentioned in the rules segment. Because of this decision, Blank Memory Card and Single File are technically no longer Any%. With that, the new Any% category will not have the same restrictions for All Gateways.

These are the major category and rule changes that have been set. If you have any questions, feel free to respond to this post. Other than that, get ready for another new age of Star Fox Adventures speedruns.

Habble, BvqRzxi5 et 2 autres aime ceci
performance: Star Fox Adventures
New York, USADark-X-rane2 years ago

For future runs, remove all save files before starting a new run.

josejavier1158 aiment ceci
performance: Star Fox Adventures
New York, USADark-X-rane2 years ago
Ce commentaire a été supprimé
New York, USADark-X-rane3 years ago

ISO Loaders are also banned for this game since there are some advantages with using an ISO Loader such as overall faster loading times compared to using an actual disc. We might revisit looking at unbanning ISO Loaders when this game is no longer easily available to obtain/purchase. But for now, used copies of this game are still around the $10 - $20 range.

Lyren aiment ceci
New York, USADark-X-rane3 years ago

All runs must be done on either a GameCube, Wii, or any other console that has an official re-release of this game. This is due to this game having a very poor track record of emulating accurately across various different PCs.

Lyren aiment ceci
New York, USADark-X-rane3 years ago

As of today, a bunch of rules and categories have either been added, changed, and/or removed due to some recent developments for this game. The following has been changed.

Starting off with some rule changes, we now have some general rules that must be followed for every category. These are just general rules that we already follow, but they haven't been written out on this forum, so here are some highlights of what we must follow...

  • All runs must be done on on either a GameCube, Wii, or any other console that has an official re-releases of this game. This is due to this game having a very poor track record of emulating accurately across various different PCs.
  • Any controllers that have remapped buttons are allowed for this game. However, the following is not allowed:
  • Remapping a controller during the middle of a run
  • The use of a Turbo Controller

We've also decided to lift the ban for both ESW/RESW on all categories besides Glitchless and the old ESW category (Only RESW is still banned for Old ESW) due to some recent rerouting that has shown that the use ESW/RESW saves a huge amount of time without the use of premade files. That being said, runners from this point forward MUST reset their consoles when starting a new run. This is in order to clear any flags and/or memory leaks that have been stored from a previous run. Runners can also setup save files that are at the intro cutscene of the game. However, runners must also show the creation of these files in their video submission and they must show that chapter select/cheats have not been used when creating each save file. I've also updated Glitchless to include an Air Swim and Roll Cancel ban since these weren't apart of the rules. There's some other changes I've done for the rules for each category that just clarify things for new runners.

Now that I've mentioned all of the important rules changes, we can now move on to the biggest change for this game besides the unbanning of ESW/RESW. We are now splitting Any% into two sub-categories, Blank Memory Card, and Single File. Blank Memory Card will be used of any run that uses multiple files while Single File will be used for runs that only use a single file. The use of premade files that aren't at the intro cutscene are still banned for these sub-categories. That being said, any runs that were submitted before this update have been moved to the Single File category while any runs that were submitted that used multiple files have moved to the Blank Memory Card category. Since ESW/RESW has been unbanned I've also renamed the ESW category to "New Game+" to prevent some confusion on why we have an ESW category when it's now used in almost every other category.

These are the major category and rules changes that have been done. If you have any questions feel free to respond to this post. Other than that, get ready for a new age of Star Fox Adventures speedruns.

josejavier1158, zcanann et 2 autres aime ceci
New York, USADark-X-rane3 years ago

@zcanann Would we still lose a decent amount of time at CRF since we can't save quit there to perform BCRS?

josejavier1158 aiment ceci
New York, USADark-X-rane4 years ago

@JubJub62 yeah I ran into this when I was testing the route yesterday as well. I'm assuming that you also got the glitch where the cutscene with the Earthwalker didn't play until 19 seconds later. The reason why the game doesn't load any other map besides TH seems to be because the game still thinks we're still in orbit when we perform an ESW.

New York, USADark-X-rane4 years ago

@josejavier1158 I'm going to be testing this out this weekend, most likely tomorrow, since the route seems to have been finalized.

New York, USADark-X-rane4 years ago

@josejavier1158 I did talk to Celest about this and he seems like he's easing up to the idea of allowing ESW/RESW with no premade files. I can't talk for him of course this is just how I feel rn, but I think that he's waiting for someone to test out the actual route to see how much time ESW/RESW saves in Any% and if it will end up being as broken as the current ESW cat. Which I will be testing out this weekend.

New York, USADark-X-rane4 years ago

@josejavier1158 Not 100%, replace ESW in the Misc. category with glitchless maybe if the current ESW category ends up being a sub category to Any%.

New York, USADark-X-rane4 years ago

I'm thinking that to make this game's board not look too cluttered, we should have sub categories in Any% and 100% with what @josejavier1158 suggested in a similar fashion to how the SM64 board looks.

New York, USADark-X-rane4 years ago

In other words, when you place or get the K3 spirit, the game might be forcing us to fight the Red Eye King.

BvqRzxi5 aiment ceci
New York, USADark-X-rane4 years ago

I'm pretty sure someone mention some dependencies with K3E in a really old post? I'll have to see if I can find that. Worst case scenario if you place K3 the game might update a flag that expects you to defeat Red Eye King?

New York, USADark-X-rane4 years ago

@BvqRzxi5 I'm assuming that you've also placed Spellstone 4 before visiting Wall City?

New York, USADark-X-rane4 years ago

@BvqRzxi5 would it be faster to skip Spellstone 1 or to skip Spellstone 3 in this case since skipping DIM saves 20+ minutes while I haven't timed how much of a time save you'd get for skipping Wall City 1. Also did you do K3E in combination of K4E? If so, maybe we'd have to place them in order (K3 -> K4)?

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