fil: Pokémon Emerald
you shouldn't heal there, you should potion a tile before the grass in the next route. It saves more time to do like this anyways
fil: Super Mario 64
I hope the community will change their mind about it. I mean, 1.6 is like from the 2004, it's a version so obsolete that keeps crashing and in general has issues (as the weird support for dualmonitor setups). I stopped running SM64 because of it crashing every 20 minutes on average (sometimes it's 1 minute, sometimes 1 hour, making it almost unpredictable), and being an obsolete version, it doesn't make any log file. The best thing to do would be to make a fork where the code that manages emulation is the same, but everything else is made from scratch or taken from the last version. It's so unreliable right now
Adam_Toutoungi aiment ceci
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