North Carolina, USABlueInfinity227 years ago

As of now, all times from the 3DS version have been moved to the Ultimate NES Remix board. If any have been missed, please upload them.

Also apologies for the mass spam to notifications for rejects, everything should be finished now.

Pear aiment ceci
North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

It's come to my attention that the 3DS version "Ultimate NES Remix" is actually different for their missions.

The starting spots are different in missions, which would make a huge different with top times since it's down to milliseconds. So as such, the 3DS version will be fixed up for people to submit to them.

I'll be removing the variable, and helping JohnnyOnePair move 3DS runs to it. If any questions, let me know! :)

North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

It's come to my attention that the 3DS version "Ultimate NES Remix" is actually different for their missions.

The starting spots are different in missions, which would make a huge different with top times since it's down to milliseconds. So as such, the 3DS version will be fixed up for people to submit to them.

I'll be removing the variable, and helping JohnnyOnePair move 3DS runs to it. If any questions, let me know! :)

catfud, Omar, et
aime ceci
North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

Hey I just did a run for Persona 4: ARENA's Yosuke Story Mode (True Ending), and was coming by to submit my time, but see it's not a category. Are there any plans to do so?

Electra13x7777 aiment ceci
North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

It was brought to my attention we never actually posted the Discord server on the Forums.


Feel free to join!

North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

Hey guys, thought I'd post this for those who want it. We have a discord server for anyone interested in learning, or is actively running the game. Most the top runners and cool kids are already in and active, so feel free to hop in! It also makes regular Bingo races easier. ;)


CCNeverender aiment ceci
North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

Hey guys, I posted this on the Series forum as well, but since this game's the most popular run, I thought I'd post it here too. Feel free to join if you want-- both runners and people interested in learning it.


North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

Just wanted to post this for anyone who'd like to join. Open to runners of any of the games, or anyone who might be interested in running. :)


North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

Just wanted to post a Thread that I reorganized the board to be easier to navigate and read. If you're following the game, chances are your notifications blew up, which I apologize for. It required manually moving your submitted runs, so that's the reason for it.

Please make sure your runs are indeed in the right areas and none are missing. They should be just fine and where they belong, but errors could happen. If your run is missing, just resubmit it and I'll approve it quickly.

Having this layout makes it easier to add/remove categories and make unique ones that might be requested along the way. It'll also massively reduce redundancy. So let me know what you guys think.

This was a long time coming, but it was put off for various reasons. But with the recent surge in submissions and runs, I decided it needed to be done now.

Thanks guys!

North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

Heya! I became really interested in running this game recently and wanted to go ahead and get my beginner/noob questions out there.

  1. I noticed in almost every Mario speedrun that you skip the checkpoints intentionally. Any particular reason for it? Is your run invalid if you get a checkpoint?

  2. Is there also a reason for going out of your way to get the bottom of the flagpole? I noticed in a lot of the runs sometimes runners will even jerk back to land further down the flagpole in mid air just to get it.

  3. I'm really interested in doing "All Castles" mainly, is there a reason you skip some of the mid-boss castles? Do they not count?

Thanks for any help. I've always wanted to run a 2D Mario game and felt like with a rut I've been in, this would be the perfect speedrun to get into.

North Carolina, USABlueInfinity229 years ago

I've noticed there are no rules for this game. Are there any plans to post some for those interested in the speedrun?

North Carolina, USABlueInfinity229 years ago

Been thinking about this a lot. The general consensus I see on majority of things is that video is required. And if you can't produce one, then tough-- you cannot submit a time to the leaderboard. But what about those games that are extremely hard to capture? Like Gameboy games, 3DS games, DS games, PSP games, etc.

I understand that most boards just say to pirate games for the Gameboy as well as the Nintendo DS. PSP games were extremely hard until the PSTV came and now speedrunning/capture is a lot easier to do. But the 3DS does not have such an alternative which is why we don't see many, if any, 3DS speedruns.

I make this thread because of the recent Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson release for the 3DS. I really want to speedrun it, and possibly post my time on here for a nice list of my speedrun times. But to get a capture device, it costs more than the console itself-- and the one guy who does it says he's not doing it anymore. So I thought I'd make a thread asking what everyone's opinion on games that are really hard to capture footage for. I think Mobile/iPhone games might be a similar situation.

I'm thinking of getting a tripod and trying to play the game in the dark to possibly get some kind of footage but that's money I'll have to save up for. What do you guys think?

North Carolina, USABlueInfinity229 years ago

I moderate the NES Remix Series: http://www.speedrun.com/nes_remix

And created/manage the NES Remix 1 and 2 boards. I originally made one for Ultimate way back when I started, but realized that the missions in that game are identical in every way to 1 and 2 as its a collection/port of the games. So rather than make it a separate game, I added a variable in the NES Remix 1 and 2 board so that those who did those missions, just on the 3DS, could show they did and have their times in one spot. So afterward, I had deleted the game.

A little bit ago however, someone remade Ultimate NES Remix and did so poorly. I'm not sure what the main categories are, or even mean. And the ILs are not ILs. He made it so that you add up all the times of every IL and post it there. Additionally, it's creating confusion as I was contacted by someone who only owned Ultimate and he assumed the game was very different because of the games having separate boards, and was requesting ILs in the Forum of Ultimate (I've since contacted him on Twitch and now he submitted times on NES Remix 2).

I left Ultimate NES Remix alone despite it's messy layout/rules since it didn't do any harm, but when I had someone confused because it was around I thought about deleting the game. But I thought I'd make a thread asking what people think or if it's a good idea. It seems weird removing a game since it IS a separate game technically. But with the other two boards having all of its content, the rules a mess, ILs not being ILs, causing confusion, and categories that don't make sense, I'm torn.

Sorry for jumbled mess of a post, just kinda typed as I was thinking.

TheGlitched64 aiment ceci
North Carolina, USABlueInfinity229 years ago

Pokemon Puzzle League doesn't require video, and that game is on a home console where it's much easier to get video. (EDIT: Looks like Tetris Attack doesn't require video either)

This game's a handheld title on Color and Nintendo 3DS. We even have the option of Nintendo 3DS as an option despite that game's capture cards being $200+.

So if we get a nice time on our 3DS, we're not able to submit it?

EDIT: To clarify why I made this thread, it's because I was doing some runs while watching my sisters (I babysit in the morning) and wanted to submit a time I got, but it would not let me submit any times if I didn't include a video link.

North Carolina, USABlueInfinity229 years ago

Wanted to make a Thread for this game for General Discussions, Tips, Strategies, and calling for evidence for times.

If anyone wants proof for a user that doesn't have any video evidence of screenshots up (like me) just post here and I'll reach out to them.

Similarly, if anyone wants evidence for my times let me know. I babysit my sisters during the day so I often don't feel like uploading proof. But if anyone wants videos or screenshots I can provide those for every one of my times no problem.

bulbipop aiment ceci
North Carolina, USABlueInfinity229 years ago

I was wondering if any other game has this issue, but in the Hyrule Warriors board, all the listings in two Misc categories disappeared.

http://www.speedrun.com/hw#Standard_-_Adventure_Mode ^ All the listings in it disappeared, despite them still being on users profiles (like mine). You can still go to them in their direct link like so: http://www.speedrun.com/run/6yj429dy

Same with the 100% Misc category, but that only had one listing which is here (to prove there was something submitted): http://www.speedrun.com/run/8yv226om

I figured I'd post a thread here to see if it was something us mods did that caused this, or something else. I had a few others check too and they don't see them, despite having notifications about it.

Thanks and sorry for bothering,


North Carolina, USABlueInfinity229 years ago

I think it'd be super fun if we could have a leaderboard for NES Remix or Remix 2 (or both as one leaderboard since they're set up the same, just different titles).

But the problem is that it's a ton of IL times, which I can't think of a good way to set it up for how Speedrun.com has most their leaderboards. I was thinking having it like under the boxart how it's got "Full Game Leaderboard" and "Level Leaderboard", just having it for each of the games it has, and it'll have when selected each stage.

But I'm not sure, so I thought i'd make a thread seeing what you all thought. Or if we should just not have it up as a leaderboard. Which is understandable since it'd be like 240 individual times, and all. Could get crowded on people's profiles. But then again, Minecraft has a few things like that (even a category that the current record is .001 millisecond) so it might have hope!

What are your thoughts?

À propos de BlueInfinity22
10 years ago
En ligne
2 months ago
Jeux joués
NES Remix 2
NES Remix 2
Dernière run 9 years ago
NES Remix
NES Remix
Dernière run never
Hyrule Warriors
Hyrule Warriors
Dernière run 9 years ago
Pokémon Snap
Pokémon Snap
Dernière run 9 years ago
Dr. Luigi
Dr. Luigi
Dernière run 8 years ago
Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash
Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash
Dernière run 7 years ago
Ape Escape 3
Ape Escape 3
Dernière run 9 years ago
Pokémon Puzzle League
Pokémon Puzzle League
Dernière run 9 years ago
Jeux suivis
NES Remix
NES Remix
Dernière visite 6 years ago
NES Remix 2
NES Remix 2
Dernière visite 2 months ago
Hyrule Warriors
Hyrule Warriors
Dernière visite 7 years ago
Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus
Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus
Dernière visite 6 years ago
Senran Kagura: Estival Versus
Senran Kagura: Estival Versus
Dernière visite 6 years ago
Dr. Luigi
Dr. Luigi
Dernière visite 1 year ago
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
Dernière visite 6 years ago
New Super Mario Bros. U
New Super Mario Bros. U
Dernière visite 6 years ago
Jeux modérés
NES Remix 2
NES Remix 2
Dernière action 6 years ago
NES Remix
NES Remix
Dernière action 9 months ago
Dr. Luigi
Dr. Luigi
Dernière action 1 year ago
Hyrule Warriors
Hyrule Warriors
Dernière action 7 years ago
Dr. Mario Online Rx
Dr. Mario Online Rx
Dernière action 6 years ago
Senran Kagura: Estival Versus
Senran Kagura: Estival Versus
Dernière action 2 months ago
Senran Kagura Burst
Senran Kagura Burst
Dernière action 1 year ago
Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson
Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson
Dernière action 9 months ago