performance: Let's Surf
LebanonBlockBusterAB2 months ago

Keep the timer going for like a second or a bit more after reaching the goal, to allow us to time the run more easily.

performance: Let's Surf
LebanonBlockBusterAB2 months ago

Congratulations on getting the new WR!

performance: Let's Surf
LebanonBlockBusterAB2 months ago

Hey, moderator here! Your timer started 0.05 seconds early. I changed the time accordingly. Great run btw!

LebanonBlockBusterAB4 months ago

How to submit suggestions:

1. You must have a discord account.

2. Join the server: Click Here!

3. Go into the "Suggestions" Channel in the server.

4. Make your suggestion.

LebanonBlockBusterAB4 months ago


performance: Let's Surf
LebanonBlockBusterAB5 months ago

Hey, Gaurav. We mentioned that movement ending ends the run. At 4:35, when he got hit, his run ended because he stopped moving. That was mentioned in the rules.

LebanonBlockBusterAB7 months ago

I can use reverse sorting! But then, people might just stand doing nothing... I'll make the rules, not allowing someone to ever stop moving during the run. It'll be a bit annoying to review runs, but I'll try my best!

LebanonBlockBusterAB7 months ago

I'll experiment a bit on it

LebanonBlockBusterAB7 months ago

Juuust one problem, I can't figure out how to make the leaderboard sort by a certain variable instead of time (if that's even possible). Making it do reverse sorting also isn't good enough.

LebanonBlockBusterAB7 months ago

I'm interested! I'll add it effective immediately.

LebanonBlockBusterAB7 months ago

I shall do so, GauravTG

LebanonBlockBusterAB7 months ago

I check runs every Saturday, and sometimes check on the other days.

GauravTG aiment ceci
LebanonBlockBusterAB7 months ago

All devices are allowed (exceptions apply).

LebanonBlockBusterAB11 months ago

Well, I'm the new moderator. I'm active, unlike the old moderator

performance: Let's Surf
LebanonBlockBusterAB1 year ago

You are not allowed to enable high visibility, check the rules!

performance: Let's Surf
LebanonBlockBusterAB1 year ago

I did it in 37.07, so 0.61 seconds faster than you!

À propos de BlockBusterAB
1 year ago
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1 month ago
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Let's Surf
Let's Surf
Dernière run 7 months ago
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Let's Surf
Let's Surf
Dernière visite 2 months ago
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Let's Surf
Let's Surf
Dernière action 2 months ago