This is saved copy of official IDSS ranking site. At this site you can search for best times on IDSS. Only bad thing not all courses works.
Name of courses: 妙義 - Myogi 碓氷 - Usui 赤城 - Akagi 秋名 - Akina 八方ヶ原 - Happogahara いろは坂 - Irohazaka 真・妙義 - Shin Myogi 真・碓氷 - Shin Usui 正丸 - Shomaru Pass もみじライン - Momiji Line 塩那 - Enna 四峠走破 - 4 Course Run
Type of direction: 左周り - Counterclockwise 右周り - Clockwise 下り - Downhill 上り - Uphill 逆走 - Return (Uphill for Irohazaka) 往路 - Outbound 復路 - Inbound
Weather Dry - 晴れ Wet - 雨
Time of the day Day - 昼 Night - 夜
Rankings for IDAS2: Rankings for IDAS3: Rankings for all IDAS and WMMT: Initial D Special Stage close to Version 2 Initial D Street Stage close to Version 3