South Carolina, USAAsterGB1 year ago
  1. Find the manifest of the version you want to download. The Relative Date is associated with when the update was released. In this case, powerlocked doors would be in 9176941555094883405 https://steamdb.info/depot/2551021/manifests/
  2. Press windows key and r.
  3. Enter steam://open/console into the prompt that comes up.
  4. Enter the command: download_depot 2551020 2551021 <manifestID>. Enter the manifest of the version you wish to download into <manifestID>. For example, downpatching to any previous release such as one with powerdoors bug would be
download_depot 2551020 2551021
  1. Wait for it to download. This may take a while. Once it is downloaded, it will give you a prompt (a message in the console) saying, "Depot download complete."
  2. To find the files, navigate to your Steam folder and go to Steam\steamapps\content\app_2551020\depot_2551021
  3. Right click on One-Armed Robber in your steam library, go to manage, and then click browse local files.
  4. Delete all of the files under the folder: Steam\steamapps\common\One-armed Robber Make sure to not delete the folder itself.
  5. Alternatively, you can rename the folder so that you can up-patch to the current latest whenever. Just make sure you rename the folder named depot_2551021 to One-armed robber
  6. If you went with the former, just deleting the files, drag all of the files under Steam\steamapps\content\app_2551020\depot_2551021 into the now empty One-armed robber folder.

You may have to repeat this a couple times if Steam decides to automatically patch you to the latest. You can circumvent having to repeat this multiple times by making the downpatch into a zip file that you just extract whenever, after installing the downpatching (and for simplicity sake, renaming the folder to One-armed robber). Just make sure to get rid of the folder named One-armed robber in steamapps\common\

I ported this and varied it from one of my other boards.

hypietos, floscapes, et Benj aime ceci
South Carolina, USAAsterGB1 year ago

Ok uh idk just how helpful this would be but let's start with a few basics. Update: added a few time saves.

Framerate: Framerate appears to have no affect on the game. As long as you aren't lagging you should be fine with running the game.

Tech: Direct from the thread by Zinc about tech discovered, only for in bound runs. Out of bounds bugs will not be included. That'll be for another section and another time.

  1. Super Gas Mask • Gives you infinite sprint. Useful with B-Hopping • It does cost a bit of vision, but it doesn't affect how it registers with viewing SCPs (e.g. looking at 173). It is a very much worth trade off. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/899812462835171329/1122767071323889714/image.png The above shows current Gate A SSI top 2 runs for 2p. The 2nd place run does not use super gas masks. Under the assumption that it saves time. While it does save time in the short moment, it costs later on. It'll take a bit of extra time, but that's where the next piece of tech comes in.
  2. 914 Super Speed (basically The Flash but with a SCP twist) • When upgrading an item in 914, you can upgrade yourself with it giving you a temporary boost for ~30s with super speed. After those 30 seconds, you will die, so make sure to save before you die if you aren't going down a split path. This ONLY works in the Multiplayer Mod lobby / servers (servers as in what you do to start a run). It doesn't matter how many players are in the server for this to work. • This also makes up for the time lost going to 914 in set seed runs.
  3. B-Hopping • Enable "Jumping" to get this to work. For some reason in they changed the controls so that Jumping is SPACE and Blinking is B. In all versions prior, Jumping is Left Alt and Blinking is Space. I prefer the old keybinds, much easier to handle, but that is personal preference. When B-Hopping, just hold W and the direction you're going. (e.g. hold W and D while pressing your jump button to go right, or W and A while pressing jump button to go left.) Mouse movement may help, but I am currently unsure on that.
  4. Suicide • Instead of having a "Load Save" / "Load Game" button, the game has a Suicide button which kills you and spawns you at the last save you made. This is useful when going down split paths and one path goes down a dead end, or going to grab an item from another room while having a save at a room that goes after it to save time. • In Set Seed runs, remaining dead at the start while one person goes to 914 is a viable option to save time.
  5. Saving • You should save at a room fork when you're following one path down, or at a key room for a run. Choose where you save wisely, you can't undo a save, only override. 5.1. Save Abusing • You can use saving and suicide in coordination to perform a bug known as Save Load Height Abuse (SLHA) to get up platforms or to get Out Of Bounds.
  6. 079 "Juking" • At SCP 079's second blast doors, which require a level 4 keycard (the first requires a level 3), even with Remote Door Control on, you can still glitch into the room to instantly activate 079 when RDC is turned on. You will need to enable Jumping for this to work.

Version: The version you play on can have a drastic effect on the time of your runs. In versions 1.2.8 and later, the 106 room was reverted back to the original Containment Breach room instead of being an elevator, and a confirmation menu shows up when you suicide. In versions 1.2.9 and later (currently at the time of writing), 173 spawns in the room before 914 on 446456054. In version 1.2.7, you have the ability to dupe items. • I will add a link showcasing duping later, I currently don't have the time to get one right now. In version 1.2.3, you have instant respawning and no lag when opening up papers. In version 1.2.6 you also can have instant respawning but that is more dependent on your PC. I would use 1.2.7 for multiplayer runs as it makes it easier to do the run.

Seeds: World Record Seed for Set Seed Inbound and Set Seed Any% runs: 446456054 World Record Seed for 100%: zcncc Seeds are case sensitive.

Time Saves:

  1. Exit with Guard • You can exit with the guard by jumping around the back desk near the door as the guard leaves. Reference: https://www.speedrun.com/scpcbm/run/zxnqlnem
  2. Save-Suiciding • As mentioned before, saving before going down a fork / long path that turns out to be a dead end or is only a temporary part of the route and then suiciding when you're done with that portion of the route / path takes you back to the last save. This saves a lot of time from having to go back to where you came from.
  3. Take the gas masks. It doesn't matter if it saves a little bit of time at the start, it costs more time in the long run.
  4. Surveillance • This mostly applies to multiplayer SSI runs. After one person gets to 914, the other should make their way to surveillance (saving at the room before the bear room) and turn off the checkpoint lockdown. This saves time and allows the person who went to 914 to have more time going through the route under super speed.
  5. Knowing how to navigate S-Nav • This mostly applies to Random Seed runs, here is a video made by doaka which should help. It was made for base game, but it is applicable to multiplayer mod as well. This helps save a lot of time with doing random seed runs. (someone please beat shadow's 8m33s wr)

I'll update this thread as we continue. You can refer to this thread and the rules to help guide through runs. You can also use current runs as a reference for timings.

South Carolina, USAAsterGB2 years ago

Ignore Personal Top 3, can't change title. **Note: Current Room Gen refers to room gen prior to 1.2.8 Alright, I'll start this off with this. I selected the earliest version that has hotkeying to my knowledge. There might've been a version prior but as far as I know this is the earliest one.

Version 1.2.0 Version 1.2.0 is - as far as I know - the earliest version that contains hotkeying. Hotkeying is a key factor because prior to this, it's just base containment breach with jumping and practically always safe (in terms of handling deaths). Pros: • Practically Instant Respawning • Papers don't lag you (if you accidentally open or need 372) I think that's it. Cons: • 173 appears to like to spawn in the hallway just before 914 on 446. • 446 seed is different after containing 008, getting l4 and l5. Wow... I found the 446 error mid-run • No 100% What categories could you run a possible wr in with this?

  • All 1 player categories EXCEPT for 100%.

Version 1.2.3 Version 1.2.3 is currently the oldest version on steam with the current map gen. Something must've happened to older versions that also had the current map gen as those versions no longer have the current map gen. (Thanks Cookie!) Pros: • Instant Respawning • Documents don't lag • Room Gen is current room gen (perfect for speedrunning set seed) • 173 does not spawn in the hallway before 914 on 446 • Most ideal version for a solo 100% run Cons: • No dupe bug :( What categories could you run a possible wr in with this?

  • All solo categories
  • Multiplayer categories w/o using glitches (e.g. 1.2.7 dupe)
  • 100%, our best friend

Version 1.2.6 The one I feel like a lot of us are used to. Fun Fact: this is the version the first 914 4+ run was done on. Pros: • Rather the opposite of 1.2.0's cons, 173 does not tend to spawn in the hallway before 914 on 446. I don't believe I can find any major positive difference between 1.2.6 and 1.2.0. Cons: • Death screen has a slight delay. I would think that's it, someone probably has gone a bit more in depth, I'm just doing some basic coverage. What categories could you run a possible wr in with this? Once again, probably every 1-player category set seed category.

Version 1.2.7: The current version, and probably should be rightfully called Version Dupe.7.

Pros: • Dupe. Just, dupe. • Makes 2+ player runs a LOT quicker. • Duping at the start doesn't add to time as you have not made a camera or player movement. • 100% runs became hella lot more easier. Cons: • Theres a loading screen. Why? Just, why? • Would not be ideal for anything but 100% or set seed (both 2+ players.) Version Dupe.7 is a meh update. The bugs outweigh the loading screens in most cases. What categories could you possibly set a WR in? • 2+ Players 100% Set or Random Seed. • Set Seed 2+ Players

Version 1.2.8: Current version as of now. Pros: • 106 room is reverted to normal. • Basically yeeted an indev patch for base cb, so likely will have similar room gen • Orientation of rooms could speed up runs (e.g. 446456054 start) Cons: • No more dupe bug D; • Orientation of rooms could also mess up runs (e.g. surveillance in 446456054, small time loss but slightly made up by the former pro) • Can sometimes not load rooms properly after death (

) Not Assessed: New category currently just for this version. • Suicide Confirmation adds a bit of time to runs, just learn to flick up fast after hitting Suicide.

I believe that's about it for now. Recap: Most Categories for 1 player: 1.2.0 All Categories for 1 player including 100%: 1.2.3 Random% Categories 1 player: 1.2.6 or 1.2.3 All 2+ player categories: 1.2.7 or 1.2.3 (if glitchless run) Maybe glitchless 2+ player categories: 1.2.8 as its getting close to base cb room gen.

Goglol, Apored et 3 autres aime ceci
À propos de AsterGB
Yeah idk
2 years ago
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SCP Containment Breach Multiplayer
SCP Containment Breach Multiplayer
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One-Armed Robber
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One-Armed Robber
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SCP Containment Breach Multiplayer
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