Well the title of the category is called specifically NTSC-version. Feels wrong imo to submit a pal run into ntsc category
There seem to be only us and jpn category? How about pal runs?
Hello! Is the pal version allowed? It's called Solomon's key 2 but it's exactly the same game. I only have that one.
Hi! Are pal runs accepted? I submitted my run a pretty long time ago but it hasn't been verified yet
I just submitted my run but I wasn't really sure where should the timer start and end. So can any of the mods please re-time it?
Hello! Is there gonna be "winning gold in every event"-category?
Hi! I just beat Thunder & Lightning on NES. I would like to submit that but I can't find the category.
Hello! I just beat Ufouria. How do I know if it was 100%? What are the rules of that category? I mean what parts can you even skip?
Hi! My run seems to be verified but it didn't appear in the leaderboard for some reason. Does anybody know why is that? Apparently that has happened to somebody else as well.
I have done the pal version called Track&Field in Barcelona, is that accepted as well?
Hi! I just submitted my run but I think I forgot to choose the region. It was NTSC on an original hardware.
Can somebody please tell me the strategy for swimming events? Never figured that one out. I have tried to google it as well, but no help.
My points seem to be missing for some reason? Any idea why is that?
I have been trying to beat this game and I have been in the last level 10-15 times. I am planning to submit the run if I beat the game eventually. I am using a pal cart. Is that accepted or does it have to be ntsc?
Actually I didn't know there are more snakes in the last room of the sixth level, so apparently it wasn't 100% after all.
Hi! I just beat Battletoads PAL 100%, but I could only choose NTSC or JP console. Where should I submit that?