Baden-Württemberg, GermanyAndreasMakusev4 years ago

I really hope one of the moods can remove the "100% Tutorial" category and replace it with "100% Normal" or "100% Serious"!

Baden-Württemberg, GermanyAndreasMakusev4 years ago

Exactly! Or atleast change it to a "100% Normal" or "100% Serious" category!

I like to see a full level runs with the fastest paths and without glitches! ;D

I hope one of the mods will respond to us soon~

Baden-Württemberg, GermanyAndreasMakusev4 years ago

Hey guys, since last week I'm new in the speedrun scene! :]

I wanted to record a "100% Tutorial" Speedrun until I realized that you can't kill all enemies! (As example "Tomb of Ramses" or "Hatschepsut")

It's only the Tutorial difficulty! In the Normal and Serious Difficulty I could kill all enemies without problems!

Is it impossible to get 100% on Tutorial on some levels? (I use the GOG Galaxy version from Serious Sam)

Ps: Maybe add a 100% Normal or Serious difficulty?

Lovely greetings from Andi ;D

Don_Elgorro aiment ceci
À propos de AndreasMakusev
5 years ago
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4 years ago
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Serious Sam: The First Encounter
Serious Sam: The First Encounter
Dernière run 4 years ago
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Serious Sam: The First Encounter
Serious Sam: The First Encounter
Dernière visite 4 years ago