ItalyAmaranth7 years ago

This page should have all you need.

ItalyAmaranth7 years ago

It sounds like your FPS is too high. Mess around with the settings to drop it a decent bit and you should be good. Worst case scenario, pillar jump in A1 is a 6 second timesave at best that shouldn't be important when you're just getting started on running, so the FPS drop from dynamic lighting should let you do the C1 jump and you can just skip out on pillar jump - but baaarely dropping your FPS by messing with some quality settings should work. Playing at a higher resolution should also drop your FPS slightly, if you prefer doing that.

ItalyAmaranth7 years ago

Input sequence for cube jumps is just positioning the cube + yourself correctly, pressing the 'use' button to slide towards the cube and then holding jump and use. You don't need to hold both all the time but it's the easiest way to just get one to work.

Pretty much every last detail of cube placement and player position affects small things in the trajectory of your CJ, so getting exactly the jump that you want is the second part of the issue, but as far as just launching goes you should be able to get one fairly easily.

gripped aiment ceci
ItalyAmaranth7 years ago

Bumping this. Admin ending has no reason to stay, even as a miscellaneous category. No one except for Torrent ever ran it. If more runs from more people happen then we'd have a reason to put it back on, but as of now it serves no purpose whatsoever. I don't think categories like this one have a reason to exist on the boards - stuff like Turbo% AS and Community% are largely underplayed or 'dead', but they are coherent categories with unique rulesets which attracted interest from more than one runner in the past and have at least two runs from two different people on the leaderboards, which means there's enough competition to justify them on the site.

If Torrent deciding to make a couple Admin Ending runs one year ago is enough to get him a separate category on the leaderboards, All Achievements should receive similar treatment - but if one run from one person is enough to justify a spot on the boards, what's stopping me from creating a bunch of pet categories and claiming they should be on the boards because they're equally as valid? Where's Extodasher's 28 Star run?

TL;DR Pls remove Admin Ending from the leaderboards. It makes no sense to keep it there.

riktoi aiment ceci
ItalyAmaranth7 years ago

Figured that this wasn't going to get posted on the leaderboards, but this is pretty awesome and definitely deserves a spotlight somewhere on It's more of a challenge run than an actual attempt at a perfect segmented run, so there's some slightly less perfect segments here and there, but it's surely an interesting watch.

If you don't have time to watch the full thing, Things To Do With Two Boxes at 10 minutes and 50 seconds in the video is probably the highlight of the run. B4 and B5 (16:55 and on) are both pretty good spots too - B4 is funny because it's pretty silly, B5 is just impressive. Tower Clip also uses a method that isn't used anywhere else.

Massive shoutouts to the legends Nozu86 and MousseMoose for a lot of the key strats (mainly, Nozu figuring out a consistent enough way to get Two Boxes, and Mousse for finding a jumpless floor 3 clip), and apple1417 for actually recording everything and piecing the run together. Hope you guys enjoy!

Nozu86, MousseMoose et 3 autres aime ceci
ItalyAmaranth7 years ago

This video shows the setup.

Nofix aiment ceci
ItalyAmaranth7 years ago

It's been discussed before, and we just agreed that achievements were not a large enough part of the run to justify different categories. It's one of these things that theorically make sense, but there's no real reason to do it.

ItalyAmaranth7 years ago

i was doing a casual playthrough and the following happened and it sounds relevant so I'll share

so i was done with world 1, 2 and 3 with all the berries (297 by that point), I go and grab the yellow leaf, I reenter world 1, quit the game using the escape button, restart it, and I somehow had 396 berries after the thing.

I couldn't replicate it but it's worth sharing in case any of you guys want to mess with it

ItalyAmaranth7 years ago

Updated with a much more consistent Oubliette jump, removed outdated CJs / slower CJs.

ItalyAmaranth8 years ago

If we're making Torrent's "Admin Ending" run stay, we might as well just use his 100% time since it's better than that. All the 100% runs technically still "Free Admin".

I'm for either removing the "Admin Ending" tab, or replacing it with "Free Admin" - where the only run would be yours.

apple1417 et Raynius aime ceci
ItalyAmaranth8 years ago

Updated with Unreachable Garden ¤NEW¤ cube jump and moved C1 from 'possible' to 'good' timesaves since it is indeed a good timesave

ItalyAmaranth8 years ago

Updated Labyrinth + C1 Star to reflect new discoveries about player speed & cube jumps; happens to chain with MIA well.

ItalyAmaranth8 years ago

Multiply Impossible Ascension has an even better cube jump from Blowback, it's updated in the main post.

ItalyAmaranth8 years ago

Hey, I decided to go around and find new cube jumps. Most of them are small timesaves, but some are pretty relevant - a bunch of them I haven't timed yet, so I'm not positive they save time, but they are at least comparable.

Labyrinth + C1 Star: Oubliette + Star: Friendly Crossfire, Things to Do With Two Boxes, Stars: B7 Star: Me, Myself and Our Two Jammers:

Ask any questions about the lineups if you can't get those jumps in game, but keep in mind I get most of them on 64 FPS because of how FPS oscillates even at fixed framerates, so if you have a different framerate you might want to look for some different pixels.

ItalyAmaranth8 years ago

I think you meant Transcendance there - Eternalize is literally exactly like Messenger, except it takes you a bit longer to drop the full way down. I still wouldn't put Transcendance in the main categories - it's not been run for months now, and its route is not ¤that¤ different. I'm on the edge about Transcendance still, I see why people would justify it in the main categories. I guess it's up to the community, if enough people want it in the main leaderboards it can probably be there - I just liked keeping only any%+100% for main game and DLC in the main tab, and everything else in miscellaneous.

ItalyAmaranth8 years ago

Fair - just remember exto had some 29 runs before the 22 one that's currently wr on the leaderboards, so it would be necessary to revert to an older run

ItalyAmaranth8 years ago

There's been some talk about the various categories and whether or not they deserve to stay on the leaderboards, so I thought I'd bring this to the SRC forums and prompt mods (hi theos) to make the change after we've reached a decision.

The idea was to only show the main categories on the front page - Messenger Ending, All Sigils, Gehenna any%, Gehenna 100%. Other categories should go under a miscellaneous tab - see this leaderboard for example:

-- But Ninja, what about Transcendance? It's a different enough category from Messenger, especially now that any% is cubeless, to the point that I could justify it being in the main leaderboard. That said, it's not actively ran and I don't think it deserves a spot alongside any% and 100%. I think it's 'classier' to have just any%+100% for both main game and DLC as the main categories, and everything else - slower endings, etc as misc categories.

-- And what about Low%? With Low% being = Any% now, it's pointless to keep it in the leaderboard. If enough people run it, we could make Legacy Low% (29 sigils) or some other weird variations of it and put them on leaderboards, but as it stands Low% is literally nonexistant.

-- So what would be your misc categories?

  1. Transcendance Ending. Read above.
  2. Eternalize Ending. Being a proper ending of the game is enough to give it a spot in the misc categories.
  3. Community% (all tetrominoes, no items): it doesn't have many completed runs, but as a category it's received relatively good attention and it's the closest thing to Low% we have available.
  4. 60FPS Any%: It has three completed and recorded runs ready to be submitted (exto - me - darkid) and it will potentially grow larger in playerbase as more people who don't have the FPS requirements get more interested in talos speedruns.
  5. DLC - Admin Ending: not too sure about this one since it has literally only one recorded run, but it makes sense as a category - it just needs more runs (and perhaps routing).

If you have any arguments against this I'd like to hear them, and I'd also like to hear your thoughts about the various categories in the leaderboards, possible new categories, etc.

ItalyAmaranth8 years ago

Yes, Eternalize is technically faster, but the community agreed to making Messenger Ending the only allowed ending in All Sigils.

ItalyAmaranth8 years ago

First reason why that category doesn't exist: it's boring.

Second reason: defining "oob" is a tall order.

Third reason: defining 'bug' and 'glitch' is also a tall order.

Fourth reason: it wouldn't cut out the elevator sequences which means minutes of waiting.

No thanks. If you want to run it for fun, go for it. But it's not going on, just like the rest of the arbitrary categories. Unless you give a precise definition and the run gets more people running it. It could go under Miscellaneous categories after we 'fix' the categories on src (keep only messenger / allsigils / gehenna any% / gehenna 100%, add miscellaneous for eternalize, transcendance, 60FPS, gehenna admin end), but we still need to move on that.

That said, you can do speedruns unofficially and compete against yourself.

ItalyAmaranth8 years ago

well if you can afford a capture card go for it I guess. I didn't even notice the microstutters, I guess it's because I'm used to shit graphics and huge pixels. (just watch one of my runs to get an idea of how awful my settings have to be for me to get good FPS)

I really don't think it's worth your money, the game is completely fine even if you record it on the same pc, but if money is not a concern and those microstutters bother you so much, go for it. You'll need to upload your runs to verify your time once it gets good enough anyway.

As for quality, since most runners run on lowest most of the precise setups have graphical queues based on lowest graphic textures, so if I were you I'd still just run on lowest graphics and just cap at 450. Unless you want to spend time finding the exact pixels for the same setups on better graphics, which I guess you could do as well, but it looks unnecessary. To get an idea of the setups I'm referring to, think the one to line up in tower clip when you're trying to drop onto the beam, or the orange pixel you aim at when you're doing the perfect item jump in the first jump of the run. Those graphical details are harder to spot with better graphics on.

À propos de Amaranth
9 years ago
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