RussiaAkuretaki2 years ago

i am speedrunning some Labyrinthine, but i cant send what i speedrun. Here's the problem.. Im doing CO-OP little-cases sessions with 1 other player to find the exist. There are at least 5 maps which we played ( i cant name them, my english sucks ). There are at least 3 map sizes ive played on ( very small, small and normal) There are 6 different maps There are 3 difficulties (very easy, easy and normal) There are 5 player categories (1-player, 2,3,4 and 5-players) Assuming mods here are inexperienced in making a proper Individual Level leaderboard, i suggest taking example from phasmophobia and forewarned games : in short, you need to have Map names as "New category" , you need to add in "Individual level difficulty" the 5 player categories i named previously and after that, you need to add Variables (of all the other categories). Assuming that the @MODS will take note of this suggestion, we would have similar speedrunning leaderboard & experience to the other scary games (Ghost Hunter Corps, Phasmo, Forewarened). Anyways the current IL is impossible to submit to and its been at least 7 weeks since i asked for a change and none responded, which needs a change

Gaming_64 aiment ceci
RussiaAkuretaki2 years ago

IMPORTANT CHANGE: You must destroy the "enemy" brickblocks with the Red Fire projectile, instead of simply Failing the level.

Hello, Thanks for adding me to mod team !

I want to share on HOW TO make the speedruns quicker.

I played this game for about 2 hours and I could sometimes face no resistance brown brick blocs and I wanted to know how it worked. After sometime, (see further in the video below), I noticed that after i failed, i would Play Again and ill face less and less of those Brown Blocking brick-blocks ("enemy" in this game). So i intentionally fail some levels and accumulated about 4 failures, and after hitting the button "play again" to continue, i would face less and less enemies, up to 0 in the two first levels.

RussiaAkuretaki2 years ago

The newly found glitch for level 1 is cool and would be accepted in "Level 1 -any%" which would make it FINALLY different from its 100% counterpart from the individual levels, but it is not important to create a brand new category for the full-games just to save a second. So, to disallow it in "Fullgame", "Complete the Tutorial" and in "Spin" [from mysc.] (3) categories, it would be necessary to start counting the time on first frame of the gameplay, as everyone expects, when you leave the menu for the level 1, and right after your first click to drop the ball on first time on first frame as the circle around fades away... if there are few people with almost tied records in those full games as time progresses, a Glitched category for those 3 full games would be needed to be added. For now, the only change that would be is that the Individual Level : Level1 Any% is different from its 100%

There is a similar glitch in Nox, where you start the game and leave after the intro cutscene and get back to the menu to start a new file after deleting the previous save - that allows the game to skip a cutscene. There is a similar glitch in the oldest classic pokemon game, if i dont mistaken that literally allows plenty of glitches to be introduced in a new savefile. If i dont mistake that category is called NewGame+ , i know its not exactly like here for Tweak Shot, but its basically resetting right after starting and I think we set the rules that we need to see the Menu right before the gameplay, which is why i say the time starts on the first imput right after the menu in level 1 for categories starting in level1

Zanum, grnts, et Gaming_64 aime ceci
RussiaAkuretaki2 years ago

Many of us have so many different FPS when recording and watching the game footage, ive seen 20 25 29 30 and 60 which is problematic to know exactly the time Sometimes i would see the Start button never change in size, but the game still would be starting. That is because there are many sources where you can play the game.... Since the start button changing in size was the Cue to start the timing, im gonna change the rule for Fullgame's. So what im gonna do (Akuretaki) is that im gonna retime every single Full game MYSC. runs and now the starting frame is when the screen starts to fade away in the Menu. And if you can, run in 30FPS from now, because its so much easy to get the time.

Gaming_64 aiment ceci
RussiaAkuretaki2 years ago

add the individual levels with the numbers just as in game from 1 to 24!! please :)

RussiaAkuretaki2 years ago

I found out in a run that in the very last room with enemies sometimes dont spawn the mobs and i could go straight to the finish line. Probably more rooms miss enemies because of how quick the player movement can be when going through doors, 100% category still requires all enemies to be killed :)

But at the same time, you've gotta save sometime for a Any% run.

Gaming_64 et BeanyBoi123 aime ceci
RussiaAkuretaki2 years ago

in many games where we are supposed to escape death, there are death / die% category, can we get it too for this game?

Gaming_64 et Danimed aime ceci
RussiaAkuretaki2 years ago

Hi, im akuretaki and i just ran every run in the leaderboard, although i have major problems. Before stating them, i've got to say i've played 2 hours and went through 100% completing this game twice. Then i did any% too 3 times too. So first, why is the goal of 2 cookies (in Rules) to specifically grab the safe one, when you can do it quicker by going outside and pick the two outside (or at least its easier), when you say "any% 2 cookies" it implies you pick 2 cookies the fastest you can, with no restrictions, i find it frustrating, because i have been playing that by doing the two cookies outside & there should be never a restriction of what cookie you want me to pick. Then, my game just never gives me the ending screen EVER. I have completed the game 3 times now.... wasted 2 hours and there are no even runs from anyone else, so please change the rules for any% and 100% to "Ends when you kill the character in the house as it disappears" and "End as you kill all enemies, pick up all milk and all cookies" . Moreover there are no runs for this game in Recent update, so i am feeling in power to bring those changes UNLESS there is a way to get the end screen (although ive been doing exactly what the OLD PATCH/VERSION video is doing) and please, can we have it removed that Safe cookie has to be picked for 1 and 2 cookies % ? Give the runners the choice please, im opened to discussion & sending my runs the moderators will see

Gaming_64 et zir0nic aime ceci
RussiaAkuretaki2 years ago

What do you refer as Skipless % ? Do you consider a Skip when you jump on a cube platform to jump again against its wall to climb up in height or is it something else ?

Gaming_64 aiment ceci
RussiaAkuretaki2 years ago

hello, moderators of Labyrinthine, for Individual Level leaderboard, for every level done individually there, you must fill the "INDIVIDUAL LEVEL CATEGORIES" by going into Edit Game - Categories. You will find the "INDIVIDUAL LEVEL CATEGORIES" down below. There must be a difficulty there (or multiple), I guess the basic category could be named Any%. Thanks!

Gaming_64 aiment ceci
RussiaAkuretaki2 years ago

First, the timer should end on first fade in black as the game ends when you reach the Portrait, because there is visible confusion. As i have seen, @Qainet , you end it after the first fade in black after first cutscene. On my run, i want skip all cutscenes so there is no way to see when my time has to end. Second, i suggest removing the split into the Limit and Limitless categories and want see them merged, here are the reasons. First, the game doesnt include a V-Sync and even if it had, i don't see why would you split into those categories, because the time is not big difference. Then, I feel like its a lazy Trophy grab and there is no difference in the gameplay. After that, this game is short and small, i dont see 20 people coming to compete for Both categories. Moreover, even if it had a V-Sync, im against the use of it. To accommodate the difference, i suggest adding a Variable as of Limitless. Third point, the runs have to be retimed by using RTA and i'd say youtube frame timer : here is how : as soon as the character spawns and ends on the fade in black (when screen is totally black) coming from reaching the Painting ; which means removing the "on first move" rule , because there is a slight fade out of black skip after the intro - you can start moving on the last 0.3 ~ second of the fade out of black from intro.

This way, its more fair. Again, im against the use of an external tool.

Gaming_64 et Qainet aime ceci
RussiaAkuretaki2 years ago

Found this game today on SPR and i see "no moderators" and an expired/non-permanent discord link. Whats going on? I don't play the game (yet), but it takes a moderator to verify runs.

Gaming_64 aiment ceci
RussiaAkuretaki2 years ago

I was wondering how do you get passed a locked door during the speedrun Alexkaboom, as for example in level 6, I believe, through the blue key door. Seems like you're shifting to Shift lock rapidly then back to normal movement mode, what are the inputs you do and suggestions on how to do it, please - thank you

Gaming_64 aiment ceci
RussiaAkuretaki2 years ago

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/318226231835492354/940082817570857001/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/318226231835492354/940083807283978240/unknown.png

There are many missions on this map and it's a race+destruction. In the game this here is considered as a DERBY. So for the love of God, lets keep it a Derby - destruction map. Im not wasting another hour or two re-doing the game from 0 to 100% https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/318226231835492354/940082207458983976/unknown.png Clearly its racing BUT ITS A "DERBY" so it stays derby for the speedruns.

Gaming_64 et er47ick aime ceci
RussiaAkuretaki2 years ago

"you have to be above top3 to complete a level" .... so i can end up destroyed and be 3rd place and still go to the next mission? or is that only for Races ? BTW i just completed the novice all levels by being first place everywhere (44minutes); I didnt pay attention to the rules and now will redo just because of that Top3 = win rule !

Gaming_64 et er47ick aime ceci
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