I noticed that when I use Game Ordering, it changes the layout of how the runs look on my profile.
Ex: https://gyazo.com/db7d5484ea11959172c0e8195631aad0
It used to have all of the information more so on one line.
Ex: https://gyazo.com/ec836c9ed1c4069193a84e22ab587fce
It also seems to mess up how IL's are listed. Previously they would be listed inside a grid, and now they are not. Is this intended? Personally, Game Order has been my biggest wish for a feature since I first joined the site, but I am a bit more of a fan of the previous style of the profile page.
CHEESENATER's run really opened my eyes to the potential of the corner boosts for the any% and even secret ending categories. Doing the boost off the fence isnt too bad and doing it off the ice pillar isnt too bad, however getting the super speed roll in the Ice room is super hard. I have been trying to lab it out and have only gotten in 4-5 times in like 2 hours of playing.
It seems you have to roll just at the corner between solid ground and the ice floor in order to get it but we should try to figure out a consistent setup. :^)