It could be multiply. you can do 5 or 10 or 15 or less or more but we could do more then one maybe
I requested them to add ROA and if you wanna join it, here it is:
I wanna learn any%. is there a route anywhere or do i have to study streams?
(WiiU) For Whistle running, I have my Thumb on D-pad and Pointer finger, nail side and for right hand, thumb on B and Pointer finger face on the right of the right joy stick and then otherwise, normally
Im not sure for German which im asking for. For french (I use WiiU), you go to system settings and change language
Thanks and Ive searched everywhere. im bad
Ok thanks. I just wanted to know because I wanna run any% so i wanna be fast but I have no way of playing in German simply I dont know how. If you do know, Id like to know. Thanks again!
Can someone make a list of Languages?
1.Fastest (German) 2.()? 3. 4.
So i was wondering, you cant use dlc characters or have them at all?