United States14flash8 months ago

In theory we could setup Categories scoped to a single level (I think), but existing categories can't be changed to apply to level instead of full game. So we'd have to create new categories for every campaign and then manually move every run over to use the new categories. That sounds like a lot of hassle for what we'd get in return.

But maybe if we had some active runners with strong opinions I could be convinced :)

Descacharrado aiment ceci
United States14flash2 years ago

Accepting run with small re-time. Timing ends when pressing End Scenario (visible when using hotkeys by the text changing to "End Turn") on the final scenario, not when credits roll start.

United States14flash3 years ago

I wouldn't mind adding categories as long as there's interest. You should run the category and convince others to run it as well if you want to see a leaderboard for it.

United States14flash3 years ago

Part of the challenge in speedrunning this game is in thinking fast. I don't see what interesting things or new strategies would emerge by limiting yourself by animations, so I'm not sure what value is being added by tracking it separately. I don't think it deserves it's own category, and I'd rather keep preference settings out of any of the rules.

United States14flash3 years ago

That kind of sounds like playing the game but not trying to go as fast as possible :)

United States14flash3 years ago

Unless players feel very strongly that a particular version should be disallowed, I'm inclined to keep it open to all versions.

United States14flash3 years ago

Yep, that was the plan. If there's a UMC with sufficient interest (at least 2 runners) I'd also consider adding it.

I honestly didn't expect this to get approved so quickly, so I'm a bit behind in preparing the set up. Should be ready in a few days.

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The Battle for Wesnoth
The Battle for Wesnoth
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