Any% NG+ All Levels skips
Any% NG+ All Levels skips
Mis à jour 9 years ago par Nixxus

Special thanks to NewBirdman27 for finding the vast majority of these skips

Start Game

Chapter 1


Go left, roll through the boxes, jump over the apple lights to skip first battle.

instead of climbing, hop around the edge fringes next to the boost pads

Go directly through the water, behind the yellow stairs and rampjump through the gap in the fence

After PS App chat, move through the fence and OOB to the king squirrel room via jumping on the left tree

finish the stage legit


Play normally until the first major set of drums, Use a drum to jump over the chasm skipping a small jumping puzzle

skip a small portion of platforming with a drum skip

Once past the drum cliff, Use the jump ability we shouldn't have to skip the apple puzzle.

Use jump to escape from the battle

Out of bounds after the first apple flower on the left hand side to skip the next platforming section and battle.

On the 3 apple puzzle jump skip after only activating the 2nd pool

Play normally until the rolling platforms in the party section, from ther is a small jump skip


¯_(ツ)_/¯ no skips found, go hog wild


Skip combat with grass jump, only worth it if done within 5 attempts


Skip the first fight by Jumping off the bounce pad and onto the structure at the back right.

Skip battle 2 with a walljump up to the higher platform


Climb skip by jumping up the large snowflake with a slope jump

Chapter 2


Play as normal until finding the baby wendigo, Put him in the controller When wall walking on the first glue strip, run off the top and jump right from the lip onto the red plant. OOB out of the battle with the baby still in the controller.

Continue as normal until just before the squirrel battle Put the rock in the controller and use a combo of slope jump and object jump to skip the battle section.

Give the rock back to iota to prevent it being force dropped

Take a rock with you to the next fight and use it to OOB away Otherwise clear normally

Carry on until the blue squirrel sat on a red star. slop jump up the star for a little shortcut, make sure to throw up the wendigo first for minimal timeloss incase this fails

once inside the dark puzzle room, stand on the corner of the platform and rolljump across.

continue to coggard cove as normal


¯_(ツ)_/¯ no skips found, go eat fish


Roll between the barrels instead of blowing them out the way

at the beginning of the running section grab a rock and carry it to near the end. OOB to skip the entire underground.


Play as normal until after the squeezebox tests

when entering the first battle area post squeezebox challenges, jump over the windmill instead of turning it and again afterwards

in the 2nd battle area, bounce off the scientist's head to OOB over the door

remember to talk to the scientsit to trigger the button drop. Mash Square after placing the square button to unroll the bridge during the chat

in the double fan room, only lift the right side and jump up the computer to get through the gap

in the rotating bridge room jump off the small pipe to the left to skip the first half of the puzzle, moving quickly can get you a one cycle across While jumping off the bridge hold the squeezebox to grab the first scrap

In the room with the pink/yellow fan curtain, ignore the puzzle and use the button as a platform to jump off

In the next room, ignore the fight and just climb the PC

finish the level legit

The Caverns

Jump across the river as normal before hopping up a ledge for a small shortcut

optinally skip the small puzzle anbd boucne on the gopher

OOB into the pipe to skip the battle

after the next pipe, use the button as a platform to skip the puzzle

Skip the pipe puzzle by hopping up a plant

after jumping down the drainpipe, hop across the lockers and over the PC to skip another puzzle

Skip climbing up the buttons and pipes by just jumping up the side

after getting into the drawbridge room battle, hope along the left edge the skip out of the room


In the first battle, use a mothball to jump around the battle exit

after this battle jump all the way down to the platform with a roll jump and head to the left side to trigger a cutscene

Chapter 3


¯_(ツ)_/¯ no skips found, Blank page


Basically skipless, small shortcut up to the right shrine


After meeting the other messenger, Jump up the shield and into thier track, follow the path through thier track and jump into the pipe at the end. this will respawn you and the mnessenger, finish the pzzle and continue as normal

in the dark area, find the hanging lap on the left, instead of continuing through the puzzle, just jump over the fence


¯_(ツ)_/¯ no skips found, where skips come to die


¯_(ツ)_/¯ no skips found, the you mislead the messenger


Rolling is generally faster than running, Especially downhill.

Use the controller as another pair of hands to hold a 2nd item

In conversation, X can be used for yes and O for no

The following levels have strange splits and should be split at the loading zone: -Grocer's Barn -Crash Site -Wendigo Fissure -The Caverns -The Lair -All areas in chapter 3

Split all other levels at the banner

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Publié 9 years ago
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