New Categories?
1 year ago
Aberdeen, Scotland

Hey all

When I posted my first run of 8m 05s in the normal mode any% category, redmars mentioned he liked the idea of a skateless run which is what I did in my run and was wondering if this could be a category that could be added to the leaderboards?

Also, I was wondering if there should be seperate categories for console runs as I found that playing the game on an XBox One was quite slow compared to on PC? A couple of games that I've done speedruns of have seperate categories for console runs so I was wondering if this could be applied here too?

United States

I'm a little hesitant to split the current categories based on platform since there's still relatively few runners in the game overall. The site can already filter any leaderboard by platform, but I'll see if there are other platform options in the board setup that don't add too much clutter while we're still small.

Skateless we can totally setup! I'm thinking of doing it as a sub-category for the existing ones. I'll take a look in the settings and see what makes the most sense. I will probably add a rule that you need to show the skates removed from the inventory, just to make them slightly easier to verify. Does that seem fair?

While were on the topic of categories, is there any interest in individual level leaderboards? I think with Speedrun Mode, it might be an easier entry point for new runners rather than the full game. But I didn't want to set them up if no one would use them.

Aberdeen, Scotland

That's understandable about splitting up the leaderboards by platform. I thought I'd ask about it anyway since I guess sometimes people ask about doing so, even if the game already has a small leaderboard.

That makes sense about showing the skates removed for a skateless run. Saying that, in my attempts I did for any% normal mode, I didn't show that at all. Since you go significantly faster on the skates and it does the arm motion movements when moving fast, I figured that would be an indicator of using skates but if you do have them equipped but don't press the skate key/button (it's LS on Xbox by default FYI), that would be enough to show that you're not using skates. I do have other highlights of slower runs that I did from the runs that I submitted which I could potentially use for the skateless category but I would need to check them again as I did occasionaly press LS by accident when I didn't want to on a few attempts that I did.

I'd be interested in participating in running individual levels despite having the slower times against PC runners but I currently don't own the game at this moment of time. I was playing/streaming it whilst it was on it's last 2 weeks on Xbox Game Pass. For me it's £18.89 full rrp for the special edition which is the only version of the game available in the Microsoft Store which personally for me I don't think it's worth that much considering the game runs slower on the One compared to on Series S/X. To give you a small idea of how slow it is, it takes me around 7-8 seconds to do a full 360 degree turn whilst standing on the spot. If it goes on a good enough sale, I'd consider picking it up again and getting back on to doing runs of the game again and consider doing the other categories too. On another note, the only reason I never ran the speedrun mode any% category at the time of running the game was because I didn't fully explore the dlc stages long enough to be able to do a run with confidence in knowing where I was going in those stages.

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