grapple to get the gun? (Help)
5 years ago

Hello I've recently Started Speed-running The TR games and I've finished TR Legend with no problems, and for the past few weeks I've been trying doing TRA and it's all good except the lost Island Level where Lara loses her guns, i can't seems to get the guns by using the grapple method I've been doing it over and over for that past 4 days and its just keep getting worse, I've watched Cadarev Tutorial Video and many Speed-runs but i still can't get it, positioning myself and all that and trying to uses the grapple in timing, but it still doesn't work, am I doing something Wrong? am I forgetting something? would appreciate any Help <3.


Do you get the "!"-prompt indicating that you can pick up the guns when you fire the grappling hook? If not, make sure to let go of forward. If you keep holding it, you cannot pick them up. This is the most common oversight. I can also recommend watching runs which display their keyboard (or controller) inputs, so you can replicate them more easily.

Catastrophe_Red aiment ceci

hello Cadarev, yes i did want you told me but it stills doesn't work Not even the ! Prompt shows up


Is there any way for you to record your game so we could have a better look at what's happening (or not happening)?

Catastrophe_Red aiment ceci
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Menu Hook Rules

Clarifications about the use of the Menu Hook/Trainer Tool:

If you are looking to do runs (full runs or individual levels), do NOT use the Menu Hook version of the game. Any run that uses it will be rejected, even if nothing that would give you an unfair advantage is done in it. The Menu Ho

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