Retimed to 2:03:45.4 LRT — 5.6s removed from first cutscene after retrieving Roth's pack, 0.3s removed from end of run. Running on build 743 as the load remover doesn't resume correctly on latest.
Three full weeks since Lara's birthday, on the week of the game's 11th anniversary, and boy was it worth the wait. Golding the wolf cave for the third time in a row and golding the Oni fight by using a combination of community strats and my own safe strat I came up with just earlier today make this run truly worthy of being called a PB.
This is more than just my fastest/least flawed playthrough of the game yet or the fruits of a typical speedrunner's grind — it also represents my efforts in fighting my very personal fear of the wolf cave, something that's made running this game much harder than I originally anticipated. I don't think I'll ever truly overcome my fear of it, but these three weeks have seen me at my most courageous in a very long time, and I actually believe I've mastered playing through it at last. I know 21-year-old me would be proud. Because I'm proud of 21-year-old me for playing through the game for the very first time.