Hi, can someone tell me if the corner bug in Palace Midas to pick up the unreachable medipack are allowed for the max% run in glitchless ? I think yes but there is no mention of that ...
Whatever, yes we have to do a glitch for picking the medipack, but, it's not a cut or a skip, it's just for one item
For me, MAX% include all object AND all kill (all secret too) at the final screen
The impossible med is not required for Glitchless Max% exactly because it requires a glitch to get to it and it is stated as such in the Category Rules: *In Palace Midas, picking up the "Impossible Med" is not required for Glitchless runs since it requires a glitch, thus making the necessary stats 43/22 (Kills/Pickups) for Glitchless.
Happy running! :D
My bad, I didn't read the Category rules . . .
I'm sorry for the trouble, and thank's for the answer !
No worries! Also, consider joining the TombRunner discord for any more questions you might have or whatever else you might need. Cheers!
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