Original and UB hardware accelerated PC binaries allowed?
2 years ago
North Yorkshire, England

Hi all,

Given the rule about the use of ATIpatch and no other mods for running TR1, I've been wondering whether the following are permitted for PC runs:

  • the original TOMB.EXE using, I think, software rendering in DOS;
  • the alternative versions of TOMB.EXE that were bundled with Unfinished Business and add hardware rendering. (I think these are 3dfx, Voodoo, ATi RAGE, etc.)

If I read the rules correctly, the first is probably allowed but the second, while an official variant of the game binary, is possibly not (as it changes the video rendering). Asking mainly because I'm kinda interested in playing around with the game, but all of my setups with it involve either dosbox-x or a Win98 computer with a Voodoo3 and so they have the 3dfx version installed!

If nothing else, I'm hoping to get a sensible Windows PC setup at some point and then I might be able to use the ATIpatch version :)


Hey, would you mind joining TR discord and ask that question there, since there is more active people who know more about that stuff. Thanks

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The following announcement applies to glitchless runs which play the level Caves. The announcement is in response to the Caves bridge pull-up glitch, demonstrated with visuals by in .

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