Faster way to get up stacked platforms?
10 months ago

I'm confused as to why this didn't show up in the TAS or any runs I've watched.

Doublejumping to a platform at the height like the ones in this image takes about 54 frames (at 60fps, I assumes the game actually runs at 30? My emulator has framecount in 60fps. Please enlighten me).

Since backroll jump gives a lower jump, you can start your doublejump lower, and thus get onto the next platform in about 36 frames (at 60fps). idk if this has been documented before, but I hadn't seen anyone do it, so I just wanted to mention it. lmk if you need a video


oh I just realised it's not faster than doublejump -> walljump, but it's still faster on single platforms and before you get walljump

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