Bug I found that Nikson might want to know
24 days ago
New Zealand

I didn't know the demo would be receiving bug fixes. So I want to report a bug I found a while back just in case Nikson and the team would want to patch it. If anyone knows a better place for reporting this bug like a discord server let me know.

The bug pretty much involves left and right clicking at the exact same time when flashing Freddy for the 12th time specifically through the hallway double doors. If you do this, you can hold 'W' and glitch outside the map.

For the speedrunners, this can be utilized to trigger the ending cutscene early and get about an 18 second time save on any run, you're welcome. I am yet to submit a run with this glitch.

Kasual aiment ceci
Ontario, Canada

Yo, hang on.. that's actually a crazy find. It's literally as easy as what you said too, i got it 2nd try when testing it out. It wouldn't be as useful on the left or right, but I have to wonder if it works on those too..

As for reporting it, I guess the best spot would either be to get DarkNix to see this thread, or maybe even just message Nikson on Twitter/X. I'm not too sure how reliable he is with responding to DMs, but could be worth a try.

New Zealand

Hehe thanks! One run I just decided to walk forwards after doing my usual freddy flash skip just to see what happens and then found the glitch. After a lot of testing, I have confirmed that it only seems to be possible for the hallway. I haven't been able to submit a single run using this glitch because Freddy won't get his Faz ass in the hallway for the final flash lmao.


its been reported! also yeah i think best place to report bugs would either be on twitter or in the game's discussion tab on steam

New Zealand

Got it! Thanks!

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