Not a speedrun question but
1 year ago

I've been trying to play this game on pc using android x86 but for some reason i press everywhere on the screen and it does not start the game, ik this game has gamepad and keyboard support but how do you even start the game and whats the key

United States

The only way to start the game is by using the touchscreen, and unfortunately I don’t know what’s going on here. If you’re running Android on Windows 11 then it normally works at that point, but past that it doesn’t really work anyways since it has a few graphical glitches. Basically I think your best solution would be to use BlueStacks emulator instead found in the resources page.


yeah my point is that i'm using actual android on this pc and i want to disable the keyboard to start the game


Today I've installed Android x86 on my PC to test "will there be performance boost" (unfortunately, no, for my specs). And I've faced same lack of convenience. Autocliker can fix that. This one made my day:

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