True 100% run?
2 years ago

I found Z4T0X's true 100% run on Twitch here:

But I don't speak German so I have no idea what's going on; what the definition of "true 100%" is here. Can someone explain it, please?

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Hi avengah, basically it's like 100%, but with max. Level, max. money and collect each individual item once (bulbs etc.). 100% in Terranigma means:

  • 97 magirocks
  • all weapons/armors (have them owned once, need to thrash weapons/armors once in the run)
  • own all pots (life,strength,defense and luck)
  • expand all towns
  • save Rob Wood
  • Polynesia + Mu
  • buy Ark's Flat and all furniture
Modifié par l'auteur 2 years ago

I see. Thanks! Does it also include opening all chests? And do you use the potions or just keep hold of them (which means you'd have to use or trash two life potions)? And what about the mermaid glitch where you end up with 102 or 103 Magirocks? (I'm assuming it's a glitch; it doesn't look like it was intended.) And do you get to Level 50? That's a hell of a grind, but it could be considered true 100%! I just watched bits of it towards the end, and I noticed you maxed out your money but not your EXP... any reason for that? Does EXP max out at 999999? And I'm surprised you didn't use your potions, because with the Red Armor active, Life Potions still work at Level 50.

And you probably know this but the Enbu Pike does more damage than the Hero Pike past Level 35, due to the game's damage formula. Not that it matters at such high levels, but if you're going for the highest damage possible against Dark Gaia... And elemental weaknesses are huge. Even the lowly Fire Pike does four-figure damage against the ice enemies in Eklemata, and the Sea Spear destroys the Yetis!

EDIT: For true true 100% you should keep an extra Ra Dewdrop, Snowgrass Leaf, 9 Logs and 9 Crystals in your inventory!

I have a question. Why do you go into the box at the start of Simon Says? You can reach the doll by running, before the first speech ends. Unless it's different in the Japanese version?

EDIT 2: I was wondering something else. So the Enbu Pike becomes equally as strong as the Hero Pike at Level 35, and stronger at 36+. Is there a point at which the Pro Armor gives you higher defence than the Hero Armor? Because I don't know the defence formulas but given that player strength is worth more than weapon strength, I would assume that player defence is worth more than armour defence. However, the Pro Armor lowers attack, so of course it's a tradeoff, but I love the fact that the Pro Armor resists almost all statuses so I tend to prefer it over the Hero Armor. Earlier on, the Kung Fu Dogi is actually pretty good because it gives +8 Strength so if you don't mind having lower defence and are either before Mosque or don't like the Red Armor's downsides, it's a viable alternative. And it's fantastic against the Security Robot as it resists Attack and Defence Down statuses.

EDIT 3: Just done some more testing and player defence is indeed worth far more than armour defence, at my current level of 39. The Red Armor has armour defence of +44 but -15 player defence, so I tested it against the Vest Armor with +29 armour defence. So with the Vest Armor I have 15 less armour defence and 15 more player defence. Testing against Dark Gaia's final form, I was being damaged by about 28-39 a hit with the Red Armor and about 6-12 a hit with the Vest Armor.

Actually, I just found a player defence formula: (Lv+7)/12 x Con + armor DFP ( ). So for the Pro Armor to be more effective than the Hero Armor, (Lv+7)/12 x 11 must be >23. Solving this, we get Lv>26. At 26, it's equally as effective. At 27, it's more so.

Hence if you don't mind the hit to your Strength, the Pro Armor is definitely the way to go at high levels, especially when enemies can inflict statuses. Against the final boss that's less of a problem as the Pro Armor doesn't protect against toasting or freezing, so at that point it's just about whether you prefer more attack power or more defence. The -12 Strength is quite a hit to take, but if you're overlevelled it really won't matter.

EDIT 4: Part of me thinks the 102/103 Magirocks thing is intentional. That's because in a perfect file at Level 50 with all potions used, you will have Strength, Defence and Luck of 103 before equipment modifiers, so having 103 Magirocks fits in with that. It doesn't look as neat on the English version with 102, but I think the quiz was only removed due to lack of time or space, so technically it should have been 103 I think. Still, it may just be a coincidence and still an unintentional glitch.

Modifié par l'auteur 2 years ago
Baden-Württemberg, Germany

There are no clear rules for true 100% and there will never be a category here for that. No need to open all chests. The additional magirocks are not intended, it's a glitch. Defense is not important at all, it's all about strength. The XP cap is at 800,000ish, not at 999,999. Could possibly add one ra dew drop, snow leaf, crystal and a log, but definitely not 9 of them. Changing any armors later on is just a waste of time at lvl 50. We go in the box at the start of simon says to start running immediately, which is faster than waiting out the first message.

True 100% is:

  • lvl 50, 99,999 money
  • all items 1x
  • 97 magirocks
  • all weapons/armors (have them owned once, need to thrash weapons/armors once in the run)
  • own all pots (life,strength,defense and luck)
  • expand all towns
  • save Rob Wood
  • Polynesia + Mu
  • buy Ark's Flat and all furniture
Modifié par l'auteur 2 years ago

The XP cap is at 999999, I just checked. Took a while but got there :) Thanks.

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

it is not. it's at 802435

Sorry for late reply.


Baden-Württemberg, Germany

You reach lvl 50, which is the last level, at 802482, so the cap is 802482. Lvl cap:

edit: from 49 to 50 it says something different though:

However, 999999 is not the cap in the original game, you are possibly playing on a rom hack or edited rom. I doubt the english version of the game has a different cap than the japanese.

Modifié par l'auteur 2 years ago

It's the regular English version.

On YouTube you ended up with 802909 EXP.

Basically the cap is 999999 but it shows ------ because there is no Level 51 (it's not saying it's at the cap with the ------, it's just saying there is no next level). The cap is definitely 999999, I've reached it twice now. Try it, and you'll see you still gain EXP until you reach 999999.

And you reach Level 50 at 802435.

Modifié par l'auteur 2 years ago
Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Ah, I see, seems like the terranigma devs didnt think anyone would keep gathering xp after lvl 50, lol. Thanks for testing this, but since there's never going to be a true 100% category for the terranigma leaderboards (not even a normal 100%) it's just nice to know.

Just for completeness' sake I took a couple more screenshots. One is my stats with Enbu Pike and Red Armor equipped (so highest Player Strength of 123, although the 1 is obscured by the word Strength), and my HP is 964 because even though the cap is 999, this cap is only applied after calculations, so the 11 Life Potions cancel out 55 of the HP loss caused by the Red Armor. And the other shows my endgame inventory. If I wanted, I could have kept the Jail Key but I wanted to do everything, which meant I had to use it. But not saving White Wind changes nothing except a bit of dialogue in Loire's first state. I have 9 of the first 7 items, plus 9 Crystals, Flowers and Logs, and 1 of everything else on there.

As for using my 102 Magirocks, I have 3 of every magical item except 2 Geo Rings and Snow Rings, but I have since discovered that Horn Pins do absolutely nothing after extensive testing, other than preventing you using another one within 10-12 seconds ( ) so next time I won't be getting 3 of them! I don't really use much magic, and I found Bloody Mary easy with the Silver Pike so didn't need any magic there, but I have messed about with it and I find Geo Rings particularly useless because they just stun ground enemies, deal no damage but also don't let you harm them until the stun wears off. It means there's only one Earth-elemental magic ring, the Sky Ring, as a result (but the Sky Ring is the only thing that can destroy the turrets on the airship! 0 EXP so pointless).

Modifié par l'auteur 2 years ago
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