Thanks for informing me @Nukhebuk
Originally I was just going to swear at Landfall a bunch but I guess people seeking answers on the forums wouldn't like that haha. What's so frustrating is that even turning the option in gameplay settings off isn't QUITE the same as the previous update, so the current categories ONCE AGAIN don't work xD
all I have to say right now is -_- please feel free to run all factions again, guys! will think of a solution to this and as always suggestions are appreciated
My current best idea is completely scrapping the variable once again and moving runs from reduced units to all units (when faster/relevant) but I'd require the following people's permission realistically: @Nukhebuk @Bob_Bobinson @mint2017 @SoapMC123 @REX_DRAGONFLY
Im ok with that! it will be fewer no 1 spots on my part but hey thats still some
Alright so @mint2017 has given the all-clear for scrapping the new variable, the other two runners don't have records and haven't logged in since posting the runs so I'll discuss it with them later if they have an issue.
The All Factions/Reduced Factions variable has been removed for all relevant categories, and runs have been merged into the same leaderboard - there are small changes with the full release, but as of yet it doesn't look to be enough to demand new deviations.
And there's a new full-game category: 'All Categories' which is all currently available campaigns, here's hoping this is the last time Landfall mess with the game so extremely : )
Thanks for all the hard work, I hope this will be the last time you'll need to make serious changes to the site.
Thanks to the efforts of Streetbackguy and CGF, we can now remove the loading screen time from all categories on the boards.
This will not be required for runs to be valid, however, if it isn't used the run time will be the same as it always has been, where the Load-Removed Time column has the