What Galactic Conquest Glitches are available and worth using?
7 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

Getting into doing these runs. Anyone know any good GC Glitches that are worth using? I found a few weird ones but nothing worth trying in a speed run. Thanks!


What kind of glitches are you refering to? Are these galactic conquest exclusive? I have not done too much GC speed running because I highly prefer RotE runs.

The main glitch used in RotE speed runs is the infinite sprint trick. This trick is really precise so much so that some runners do not even bother with it. It does not save that much time when you get it, but it is a fun mechanic and it adds another optimization aspect to the speed run.

So when it comes to infinite sprint in GC, there is no reasons why it should not be allowed. However if there is some GC exclusive game breaking glitch existing, we might have to talk about what to do about it (banned/create new category).

Pennsylvania, USA

I am just referring to glitches that can be used in Galactic conquest runs (not necessarily exclusive) that might help with increasing time. Although I haven't done any tricks in my last run, as i didn't know any, i read up on some but those aren't necessarily glitches. Just looking to see if this thread can help to compile a good list of glitches I or any other runner, may be able to use to improve on time.

Victoria, Australia

Not sure if you would call this a glitch but when i did galactic conquest speedruns i would try and manipulate the ai's turns by saving and loading. For example: I am Rebellion, Fleet spawn at hoth, Empire fleet spawn at endor. I would attack polis masa first which would result in the ai moving away from endor 1 space. Then after i conquer the planet i would save and load until i got the ai to skip its turn or move back towards endor in order to give myself an extra turn to move to the next planet. This trick allowed me to pretty much ensure that i would only need to fight 12 battles at most and hopefully 11 battles (if rng was nice). 10 would be planets and the others would be the enemy flests. I play on PC so im not sure how different it would be on consoles, probably the same though and tie wise the loads are taken out so if your fast enough with the menu'ing then u can get pretty good times.

Modifié par l'auteur 7 years ago