hi, speedrun.com is here
8 years ago

there's a lot of work yet to be done, don't sweat the details yet. if you have questions feel free to ask me on discord or something

grntsz, Ansiando et 3 autres aime ceci

Alright so the times are finally migrated over. There are a number of things I would like to address, guess I'll just do it in bullet format:

-Obviously low%, gt code, and ceres need to be fixed, I'll work on that today

-The extra variables, like route, igt, platform, need to be updated

-There are currently only 2 mods, strae and myself. I'd like the community to decide who else should be modded

-Currently the leaderboards are operating on "verification needed", ie a mod needs to approve a run before it appears on the leaderboards, I just set it to that while the times were being imported to avoid having runs overwritten

-if you have any thoughts, concerns about the way the site looks, now is the time. I just made it look as close to deertier as I could, so if that's not good, or not good enough, let me hear it

-custom icons for 1st-3rd place (or 4th, if we want to have a custom icon for 4th) anyone interested in submitting their ideas?

-any other comments or concerns, tell me here or on discord

Modifié par l'auteur 8 years ago
New York, USA

Why not merge the categories to reflect like deertier? I don't actually mean merge. I mean use subcategories. Like for 100%, have a subcat for map and one for items. Same for GT code stuff: one for spacetime, one for classic. Etc


I would like to apply for mod.

There are 3 types of sprites for the chozoball. Maybe we can use those 3 as icons for #1-#3?

Edit// having 100% and map completion separate makes more sense imo.

Modifié par l'auteur 8 years ago
New York, USA

Yeah I guess that makes sense. But putting the GT categories together makes sense to me. Also RBO to Reverse Boss Order because that bothers me :P


if anyone's runs are submitted under a name that isn't their own on speedrun.com, let me or a mod know and we'll fix them. that's top priority for me atm

if you'd like to add your own run's variables, i.e. igt/route/platform, you can edit your runs yourself

Modifié par l'auteur 8 years ago
United States

Nice it looks good. I like that the design reflects deertier. I also like the idea of item icons for the top 3 (or 4). Ranking the items might be tricky though (or maybe shouldn't be thought of as 2nd place icon is better than 1st). So I agree with jack, 1st: screw attack, 2nd springball, 3rd spazer maybe?

It is a little odd that the ceres escape times are listed as XXmXXs (Probably a minor thing though). I wonder if it's possible to change that? XX'XX would be normal.

New York, USA

Belthasar it'll probably be changed to s,ms im pretty sure. There no option to have ' as the separator.


I added Screw Attack, Springball and Spazer to #1-#3 to show what it looks like. I personally would rather make Screw Attack in 3 different color versions. Gold, Silver, Bronze...

Any suggestions?

Modifié par l'auteur 8 years ago
United States

Ah that works too.

New York, USA

Another Suggestion: I know that there are different categories but what about putting any% and glitched together, with subcategories of "No Major Glitches" and "Major Glitches." This is not a category naming question, just a matter of simplifying stuff.


Okay. I'll edit Screw Attack to be in 3 different colors then.

This is what D e e R F o r C e your Lord says: "You have propped up the God of Ceres before the holy Zoast your king, and summoned the Beast from the Ocean, and now you cast your legacy unto Phantoon and the Snake. Therefore, your ritual circumambulation of Zebes shall never again bring the sunrise!!"

idk sounds like a good thing. site's looking great y'all


finally added rules for the categories, except for ceres. if anyone has ideas for what the "rules" for ceres should be, I'm all ears.

//edit: fixing ceres. my current solution is to include millisecond timing so you can submit the hundredths part of the igt

also, from suggestions, putting ceres, croc, & ss in ILs, because that's probably more indicative of what they are. objections, lady?

//edit2: oh I forgot to mention, this means that you can technically submit millisecond timing for all categories. instead of opening up that can of worms, I'm asking people to politely refrain from including milliseconds in all runs unless its ceres. mods, you can edit runs as they submit them to truncate milliseconds, or reject them outright for now.

Modifié par l'auteur 8 years ago
United States

Having ceres, croc and ssrta in IL seems reasonable to me. Also rules for ceres would probably just be: Start from a 0:00 file with the intro sequence completed so play begins in the Ceres station. Time ends upon reaching the elevator platform and the countdown clock stops. The time on the countdown clock is your final time.

Or something like that.

Modifié par l'auteur 8 years ago

I'll make an update post here as I'm going to bed.

-ceres and croc are migrated to ILs, and should be complete for now

-low%s are a work in progress. there are still times to include

-I know people talked about wanting to include every 14% branch in the same leaderboards and just have different branches not obsolete each other so people can submit multiple runs, this is mainly why I haven't included the other 14%s yet, just to reduce the amount of work it would be to combine the branches again if that is decided. I'm somewhat in favor of the idea myself, but I'd have to see how it turns out to fully formulate my own opinion

-gt code categories aren't complete

-ssrta isn't complete

-some people don't want their times on here, and that's fine, no sweat. it will make updating both deertier & sr.com more difficult, for the nonce. deertier mods have been given the ability to submit times for an already existing name on deertier for now to help combat leaderboards drift.

-I'm keeping the speedrun.com verification on for now, as it makes it much easier to ensure the respective submitted time is on deertier as well, to avoid leaderboards drift.

-I'm still open and receptive to adding more mods here if the community wants/desires it. I've taken it upon myself to add some interim mods to help me in the process. if you have any problems with who's been added, I guess you can say something here or message me privately.

-the extra variables that deertier didn't track that I've included in these leaderboards are a constant work in progress. you're welcome to update your own runs, but the current goal is to try to flesh out these extra data soon (tm)

anything else? I can't think of anything for now, so I guess that's it.

New York, USA

While it is nice to see more data (route), I feel it clutters up the leaderboards quite a bit. If there was an alternative method that could show the route but not listed on the runs page that would be nicer IMO.


There might be an option. But that's up to foosda to try and see how it changes the leaderboard.