I made notes for my Crusader trail run but wasn't referencing them as much. Most of them were taken by analyzing some videos and developing strategies that would help with running the trail in a fast manner (hovel blocking army camps, gatehouse blocking with tethers and huts and pause glitching being most notable).
The first trail can be improved considerably from the 10 hour first run I accomplished. I didn't test the times in practice to get a theoretical number and just went off some off the wall estimate that proved to be off by about 3 hours (the last 5 missions took forever). Anyway, the notes I made for Warchest are a bit more indepth and I tested them with somewhat optimal lines that I think are applicable and checked for time frames. I'm posting the links to both pastebins I made for anyone that wants to review in future runs or optimize in some fashion. There's definitely room for the latter.
Crusader Trail (warning - rough notes) - http://pastebin.com/faCN1Ay9
Warchest Trail - http://pastebin.com/VCYMdNUp