My runs not getting looked at.
1 year ago
American Samoa

Hello, it has been 5 days, and my runs have not got looked at, and usually it takes a couple of hours for my other runs to get looked at.

Zanum et grnts aime ceci

I've been waiting over a month, hopefully a new mod is appointed or something.

jackzfiml, Zanum et 2 autres aime ceci
Pennsylvania, USA

Sorry, I am sick and i have over 400 runs in my queue i will get to them real soon!

Zanum et Gaming_64 aime ceci
American Samoa

Ah yes I understand I hope you get better!

Zanum, Gaming_64, et grnts aime ceci
Pennsylvania, USA


Zanum et Gaming_64 aime ceci
American Samoa

Hello, you said runs will get verify a week ago and none of my runs have gotten verified.

Zanum aiment ceci
American Samoa

@Slothboy78YT you need to hurry up!

Zanum aiment ceci
Pennsylvania, USA

Wow, that was rude.

grnts, jackzfiml et 2 autres aime ceci
American Samoa

Didn't mean to come off as rude but if you're going to be the only moderator for a game and not do your job for 2 months and then come back and verify like 5 runs, then you should really look into hiring another moderator.

Zanum aiment ceci

Yes, please, if you can't keep up with the submitted runs, appoint an extra mod, or at least a verifier.

jackzfiml, Zanum et 2 autres aime ceci
American Samoa

I don't think he cares as this discussion has been going on for months.

Zanum et grnts aime ceci
American Samoa

I reported him using the support hub.

Zanum et grnts aime ceci
United States

I might report him too

Zanum et grnts aime ceci
American Samoa

Well I submitted a moderation request, after the support hub told me too, so I submitted a moderation request so if I get moderator permission I will add you @coco58 and @induviel

Zanum et grnts aime ceci
American Samoa

@Slothboy78YT Please add another mod, we are tired of waiting.

Zanum et grnts aime ceci
American Samoa

Well my moderator request, was rejected, so @Slothboy78YT you need to hurry up!

Zanum et grnts aime ceci
United States

@Slothboy78YT I've been waiting for months for my runs to be verified. please just verify them.

Zanum et grnts aime ceci
American Samoa

Haha like he will do that

Zanum et grnts aime ceci
American Samoa

Hey @Slothboy78YT do your job.

Zanum et grnts aime ceci
American Samoa

Do you Moderators get paid for this, because you must be scamming.

Zanum et grnts aime ceci
Statistiques du jeu
Dernières actualités
Runs being verified.

Hello! Sorry you have been waiting, but runs will start to be verified now, full game runs will take priority for now.

1 year ago
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