question about takis the fox full game runs
2 months ago
Alabama, USA

yo if i were to do a full game run with takis the fox, what would i do about deep sea zone since takis cant spindash?

Pennsylvania, USA

There's a few routes that non spindash characters can take especially in dsz2. I believe if takis can't break walls or floors and stuff like that most likely takis can take fang's route. Also there's a part where you can fall down some open floor and take that route, then do gargoyle instead.

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ONLY LOAD REQUIRED MODS FOR VERIFICATION! (Also we cannot approve 2.2.14 runs)


A recent thread highlighted an issue we've had here for a little while, so we would like to dive into this.

It's no secret that the addition of the MD5 hash has made verification more tricky. Now when you record a run it will save ALL mods you had loaded at the time onto that replay

17 days ago
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Publié 17 days ago
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