Difficulty in timing players for the Full game Mysc. runs
Difficulty in timing players for the Full game Mysc. runs
Publié 2 years ago par

Many of us have so many different FPS when recording and watching the game footage, ive seen 20 25 29 30 and 60 which is problematic to know exactly the time Sometimes i would see the Start button never change in size, but the game still would be starting. That is because there are many sources where you can play the game.... Since the start button changing in size was the Cue to start the timing, im gonna change the rule for Fullgame's. So what im gonna do (Akuretaki) is that im gonna retime every single Full game Mysc. run and now the starting frame is when the screen starts to fade away in the Menu. And if you can, run in 30FPS from now, because its so much easy to get the time. Im also sending this in Forum Posts.

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m1btlyz retires from Moderation

m1btlyz or Minebuttplays retired from the Moderation team wich leaves only 2 Moderators for this game, but the big problem is that Akuretaki took a break from Moderating for unknown reasons and i can't Moderate until next Monday because my PC is around 500km away from me. Thanks for reading

2 years ago
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