11/8/2021 Leaderboard Update
3 years ago
United States

Hey folks! Just putting this info in a separate thread so that it's a little bit easier to see. By popular demand we've added two new categories to the board, being Full Arsenal and Unstoppable mode runs. Since there is some overlap between Full Arsenal and Unstoppable mode, we've gone ahead and put Unstoppable under the Misc. tab and left Full Arsenal on the main portion of the leaderboards. I've also revised and clarified some of the global leaderboard rules so that they're easier to understand for newcomers. If you folks have any questions about the changes feel free to reply below!

Minnesota, USA

Hey, I kinda want a challenge for Full arsenal, you guys think you can put some runs for me to try and pass in there? Not Unstoppable mode but Full Arsenal bc in that one, you have to get momentum up and that will probs up the game play for Any percent when you use those Techniques. Speaking of Technique, you guys might want to try the Silvermane clip I do, it's where you Web Zip at a downward angle, web to the max hight you can swing, and air dodge to get right up past the room screen so you can web zip right up there. I can probably submit a how to on my YouTube channel, but then again, nobody really watches it. So if you guys can put some challenge time for me to beat in Full Arsenal, that is could be great thanks.

United States

Yeah I may give Full Arsenal a try in a couple of days, I haven't played much with all the different upgrades other then random playthroughs so that will be fun. And yeah that shortcut to Silvermane is cool, we saw you doing it in runs and found a way to do it without air dodge for the Any% category (which saves a bunch of time, thanks for discovering that)

Minnesota, USA

Yeah man no problem, thanks for that.

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